| - Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Vos – miejsce występujące w The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
- Vos ist ein kleiner rothaariger Junge, welcher sich es bei diversen Leuten total verschissen hat. Eine seiner Ruhmreichen taten sind die Gutmütigkeit anderer Leute auszunutzen und sich mit seiner Sprache versuchen anderen Leuten Dinge zu erklären.Er ist einer der bekannten Cybernerds.
- Circa 2372, the Vos symbiont -- and Duhan Vos' identity -- was stolen by Verad, with the help of Bethan Roa. Posing as Duhan Vos, Verad ran for and was elected to the Trill Symbiosis Commission. His deception was discovered by Benjamin Sisko and Jadzia Dax, with the help of her sister, Ziranne Idaris. (DS9 short story: "Reflections")
- [ˈbos] Catégorie:Flexion manquante 1.
* 2.
* REDIRECTION 'toi, tu', pronoms personnels
- Vos was one of the many city-states on Cybertron that had existed before the beginning of the Great War.
- VOS is short for Virtual Object System, and was a notable coded system on Star Wars MUSH for many years. VOS was unique in that it was hardcoded and part of a complete "SW-Addons" package developed mainly by Harvester (maintained by Darrien, oderus, et al). SW-Addons included hardcoded chargen, VOS, and a number of special functions. While VOS was remarkably stable and fondly regarded for its elegance and savings of database space, it was ultimately removed from Star Wars MUSH because it prevented the successful patching of the game's underlying software, PennMUSH, to more recent versions.
- [ˈbus] Catégorie:Flexion manquante prononciations
* l. : [ˈbus] 1.
* vous, pronom complément direct et indirect de deuxième personne du pluriel → vosautres références
* R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien <a href="http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf">http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf</a> en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, , , Rei-Bèthvéder 2004Catégorie:GasconCatégorie:Gascon toulousain, <a href="http://www.jfbrun.eu/lengadoc/lexoc.htm">http://www.jfbrun.eu/lengadoc/lexoc.htm</a> en ligneCatégorie:MontpelliérainCatégorie:languedocien, , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien, 1.
- Vos was one of the many city-states on Cybertron that existed before the beginning of the Great War. At one time, Vos was ruled by a shadowy cabal that propped up Starscream as its figurehead. In the closing days of the Golden Age, many of the city-states had rivalries with their neighbors, thus laying the foundation for much of the conflict that followed. In an attempt to channel this competition, an Overlord had created a series of Arena Tournaments with the intent to quell the unrest between the city-states and bring them closer together. His efforts failed and war broke out between Vos and its rival, Tarn. Shortly thereafter, Vos and Tarn annihilated each other with a volley of missiles. Megatron put the blame on Iacon for starting the conflict and recruited many of its survivors into