| - Somewhere on South Island, Sonic encounters a small village showing the signs of attack. The villagers- who state they are still Sonic supporters in spite of the KBC smear campaign- inform the heroic hedgehog that they were attacked by a Flying Battery and their children were all kidnapped by Robotnik's forces. Sonic immediately rushes off in search of the children and, in no time at all, finds Robotnik's Flying Battery. Robotnik and Sonic taunt one another via a video communication screen on the side of the ship before Robotnik drops a series of bombs on the Zone. Sonic deftly dodges each of these, but Robotnik has another trick up his sleeve. Dropping a series of Egg Capsules, Robotnik tells Sonic they contain his latest invention, a new kind of Badnik: the Detonik.
| - Somewhere on South Island, Sonic encounters a small village showing the signs of attack. The villagers- who state they are still Sonic supporters in spite of the KBC smear campaign- inform the heroic hedgehog that they were attacked by a Flying Battery and their children were all kidnapped by Robotnik's forces. Sonic immediately rushes off in search of the children and, in no time at all, finds Robotnik's Flying Battery. Robotnik and Sonic taunt one another via a video communication screen on the side of the ship before Robotnik drops a series of bombs on the Zone. Sonic deftly dodges each of these, but Robotnik has another trick up his sleeve. Dropping a series of Egg Capsules, Robotnik tells Sonic they contain his latest invention, a new kind of Badnik: the Detonik. Sonic is nonplussed, especially as it is revealed the Detoniks bear old, outdated designs he has smashed countless times in the past. Robotnik has another trick up his sleeve however: the energy conversion process used to create a Detonik is different to that of a standard Badnik- if the Detonik takes on too much damage, it will self-destruct, killing whoever is trapped inside! As if this wasn't bad enough, at that precise moment, Death-Trap arrive to apprehend Sonic. Sonic tells them he isn't interested in how they managed to cheat death and refuses to give them his attention while the children are in danger. Prank is determined to have his way with Sonic, but Kalus refuses- he will not allow children to come to harm. Totem Billy discerns that the Detoniks lack the capabilities to recognise spiritual creatures- Kalus therefore commands Prank to instruct Talus the Tinkerer, one of Prank's genies, to dismantle the Detoniks. Prank grudgingly accepts. Upon learning the Flying Battery is deserted, Sonic has Kalus launch him as hard as he can at the airship. As he lands on it, Sonic destroys every piece of machinery that is keeping the Flying Battery airborne, causing it to crash down in a fiery explosion in a mountain range. Death-Trap return the children to the village and are treated as the heroes who saved them, something Sonic laments but he is glad that the children are safe and Death-Trap have lost his trail for the time being. As if the hedgehog had tempted fate, Totem Billy picks up Sonic's scent...