| - SkullGreymon sind recht starke Ultra-Digimon, die riesige Skelette darstellen. Sie sind brutal und kämpfen gegen alles und jeden und das ohne jegliche Intelligenz, sondern nur nach Instinkt. Laut einer Legende werden SkullGreymon von Ogremon besiegt damit diese einen ihrer Knochen als Keule verwenden können.
- SkullGreymon is a Skeleton Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Skull Greymon". It was a Digimon that put too much importance on fighting, and as a result of its combat instinct it clung to life despite its body rotting away, its whole body becoming nothing but bones. As it doesn't have even a scrap of intelligence to balance its combat instinct, its existence is a threat to other Digimon.
- SkullGreymon is a virus type, dark type ultimate Digimon. His name is derived from Skull and Greymon. It's apearance is just bones and a missle on the top of his back that he can use on opponent Digimon.
- SkullGreymon is the evil alter-ego/version of Greymon. When treating Greymon wrongly, Greymon will Digivolve into SkullGreymon.
- SkullGreymon is a Skeleton Digimon whose name and design are derived from "SkullGreymon". It was a Digimon that put too much importance on fighting, and as a result of its combat instinct it clung to life despite its body rotting away, its whole body becoming nothing but bones. As it doesn't have even a scrap of intelligence to balance its combat instinct, its existence is a threat to other Digimon.