| - The level begins with the Kongs landing on a solid, gray floor. Here, the Kongs can move to the floor's right edge to find a large gap. In this gap, the Kongs can see a platform attached to what looks like a skull-shaped structure. Above this skull platform, the Kongs can see the left edge of a ceiling of grassy turf that moves on to the right. So, the Kongs should jump on this platform attached to the skull-shaped structure. The platform begins to sink into the lava. Oh no! This is not the story of theTitanic ship, is it? Anyway, quickly, the Kongs should jump and cling onto the grassy turf. They should head forward on it. Well, let's tell you what's going on here. See how as you move forward on the grassy turf there is a yellow light and then the turf falls into the lava behind you? Well, that's what is happening now, which is why the Kongs should continue forward, otherwise, a small part of the grassy turf will fall off the ceiling and carry the Kongs into the lava, causing them to lose an Extra Life Balloon, and have to restart the level. Shortly after the Kongs move forward on this grassy turf-covered ceiling, the Kongs can reach a part of the turf that does not break off and fall into the lava. Here, the Kongs can see another platform attached to a skull-shaped structure. The Kongs should drop down to this platform. Quickly, they must jump onto another grassy turf-covered ceiling and head forward on it before the platform sinks and carries the Kongs into the lava. Here, on this grassy turf, the Kongs should move forward quickly, for the turf will shine yellow and then fall into the lava. Nope, no ands, ifs, or buts, JUST DO IT!! No stops! No pit stops! Nothing! Anyway, the Kongs will soon reach a part of the grassy turf-covered ceiling at the end that does not break off and fall into the lava. Here, a medium-sized floor with a Char-char bouncing around on it and a strange, pot-like object that can be pounded on for a Banana Bunch, most likely, on it can be seen ahead. The Kongs can drop down here, however, the Char-char is a problem. So what do we do now. Well, if it is possible to do so, we can wait for the Char-char to move towards the right edge of the medium-sized floor while clinging onto this safe part of the grassy-turf covered ceiling. Then as the enemy nears the floor's right edge, the Kongs can drop down to this medium-sized floor and stay on its right edge. Now, when the enemy bounces back to the left edge, the Kongs can near the enemy right before it lands and blow it. This causes the enemy to disappear. Another trick to use if the first strategy isn't possible is to drop down on the medium-sized floor, dodge the enemies' "attacks" with rolls (when it jumps) and then blow it as it lands. Now that the enemy is gone, let's take a real look at this medium-sized floor. Right above the strange, pot-like object on this floor that can be pounded on for a Banana Bunch, most likely, there is a Barrel Cannon. However, this Barrel Cannon is way too high to jump to. So, how do we get into it? Well, let's look to the right of this medium-sized floor. Above the gap of lava to the right of this medium-sized floor there is a platform attached to a skull-shaped structure, that is quite higher than the previous two seen earlier that sank into the lava. So, the Kongs should jump to this raised platform attached to its skull-shaped structure. Here, they can notice an ENORMOUS structure to their left that nearly takes up half the screen entirely! It is so big, that it's top and bottom parts cannot be seen. Anyway, also, the Barrel Cannon above the pot-like object on the medium-sized floor is above the Kongs slightly to the left while on this raised platform attached to the skull-shaped structure. Here, the Kongs can jump to their left to enter this Barrel Cannon. Since the Barrel Cannon aims no other direction, the Kongs have no choice but to fire to this ENORMOUS structure. The camera zooms out as soon as the Kongs hit the structure. When this structure is hit, its mouth opens. This reveals a path that the Kongs can walk on, which appears to be the structure's lower part of its mouth. Anyway, the Kongs end up landing back on the raised platform attached to its skull-shaped structure. There is a secret among here. To the right side of the structure, even though they cannot be seen from the raised platform attached to its skull-shaped structure, there are two types of Cannons. Well, there is a Barrel Cannon to the right of the ENORMOUS structure's mouth with a skull Barrel Cannon below it (skull Barrel Cannons/Auto-Fire Barrels destroy themselves/explode, whatever you want to call it, after firing the Kongs). So here's the trick. If the Kongs want to reach this skull Barrel Cannon and see where it puts them, they should jump onto this path in the ENORMOUS structure's mouth from the raised platform attached to its skull-shaped structure. From here, the Kongs can move to the structure's mouth's right edge. Here, the Kongs can see the skull Barrel Cannon below the Barrel Cannon clearly. So, since it is so close to this ENORMOUS structure, the Kongs can simply drop down into it. The skull Barrel Cannon fires the Kongs into a Bonus Room, which will be a great help if they die before reaching the level's one and only checkpoint. From the Bonus Room, an Auto-Fire Barrel in the place of the skull Barrel Cannon fires the Kongs up to the Barrel Cannon above what would've been the skull Barrel Cannon. Anyway, if the Kongs want to proceed, then from the raised platform attached to its skull-shaped structure, the Kongs should jump back to the Barrel Cannon above them slightly to their left. Here, they can, this time, fire through the structure's mouth. The Barrel Cannon above the skull Barrel Cannon to the right of this ENORMOUS structure's mouth, The Barrel Cannon then aims at an Auto-Fire Barrel above it to the right diagonally. This Auto-Fire Barrel aims down to the right diagonally at a Minecart filled with blue coal (or jewels, whatever you want to call it; all Minecarts in Roasting Rails are filled with this blue stuff) in it on a track. The Kongs can fire onto the Minecart, which begins to move as soon as they land on it. The Minecart approachs a hill going downward. Right above the first part of the downward hill is a Banana Bunch that the Kongs can jump to. Anyway, as the Kongs move down, they will continue on a track that....Uh Oh! The track is being pushed up and broken apart from each other by lava waves! Sweet Jesus! What's going on here! Anyway, the first lava wave pushes a small part of the track apart from the other. The Kongs can simply move down onto another, smaller broken piece of track that is being pushed upwards by another lava wave. The platform tilts to a point where its right edge points upward. Above a third, quite large piece of track being pushed up by another lava wave is the letter K of the K-O-N-G Letters (as seen in the picture above in the level's description part). So, since this piece of track on the second lava wave is tilted with its right edge pointing upwards, the Kongs can jump to the letter K from here right before the Minecart falls onto the next piece of track, which the letter is below. They will land back on the Minecart while it travels over a fourth, small piece of track being pushed up by a lava wave. Like the second piece of track, this piece of track tilts to the point where its right edge is pointing upwards. Ahead, between the next piece of track and the track after it is a Banana Bunch. So, if the Kongs want to, they can jump from this fourth piece of track to the Banan Bunch. Anyway, if they don't want to, they will drop down to and land on the next piece of track being pushed up by a lava wave. From here, the Minecart will race down onto the next, final piece of track of this area being pushed up by a lava wave. A grassy turf-covered ceiling held by some pillars can be seen ahead above some lava. The grassy turf-covered trail is covered in a long trail of Bananas. Just before the Minecart falls off this last piece of track being pushed up by the lava wave and ends up in the lava, the Kongs should quickly jump to this grassy turf-covered ceiling and head forward on it, for parts of it fall off as the Kongs pass over them. Soon, the Kongs will come close to the end of the track where they can find an awaiting Minecart at the very top of a piece of track going downwards (a downwards slope) covered in Bananas. However, the apes should not stop moving and try to drop down to the Minecart; this causes them to fall into the lava and lose an Extra Life Balloon. So what do we do now? Well, as soon as the apes reach the end of this grassy turf-covered ceiling, they should drop down to the Minecart. As mentioned earlier, they should not stop at the end of the grassy turf-covered ceiling. They should instead, keep going and then drop down to the Minecart. Anyway, the Minecart will start moving, where it heads down a downwards slope. As soon as the Minecart heads straight, a lava wave pushes the track upwards. Right after this lava wave pushing up on the piece of track, there is a large gap. Above it there is an arch of Bananas that ends at a Barrel Cannon. Below this arch of Bananas, there is a platform attached to a skull-shaped structure that holds a Puzzle Piece on it. So, the Kongs have two choices. The first choice is for the Puzzle Piece lovers. Hopefully that is all of you. Anyway, if the player wants the Puzzle Piece, they must let the Minecart drop down to the platform attached to the skull-shaped structure from the piece of track being pushed up by the lava wave. Here, the Kongs will collect the Puzzle Piece as soon as they land here, however, due to how small this platform is, they must immediately jump into the Barrel Cannon at the end of the arch of Bananas above them to survive. For those people who have already collected that Puzzle Piece or refuse to get it, the Kongs must jump as soon as the Minecart gets underneath the first Bananas in the arch of Bananas to go through the collectibles and land safely inside the Barrel Cannon. In this Barrel Cannon, which aims upward to the right diagonally, the Kongs can fire and move right to land on a Minecart on a small track ahead. However, pause the game for a minute. Now let's explain this area since it is made up of two routes immediately after this small track with the Minecart, which the Kongs just landed on. Yep, as mentioned earlier, there are two routes ahead, which the Kongs can take. However, the word "BOTH" is not included, meaning you cannot take both routes one time. You have a choice between the upper route and the lower route. So, now, you can put the game off of pause. If you decide to take the upper route, you can jump to the awaiting Minecart on its track above the lower track (lower route). Here, the Minecart will move forward, only to soon come up to a barrier at the end of the track. Above the barrier is another Puzzle Piece. Right before the Minecart crashes into the barrier and breaks, the Kongs can jump. They will end up going through the Puzzle Piece, collecting it, and landing on a Minecart waiting on the Kongs to land on it on its track. Now, for those who choose to take the lower route...Well, you must stay on the Minecart you landed on, which was located on the small track after the first Puzzle Piece. The Minecart will make a jump onto the lower track, however, above the part where the Minecart jumps is a Flaming Tiki Buzz. The Kongs must duck to avoid the enemy as the Minecart drops down onto the lower track. If the Kongs do lift their heads up while they are underneath the Flaming Tiki Buzz, they will die. Yeah, normally the Kongs lose a Heart for touching a Flaming Tiki Buzz, but that's only in those "on foot" levels. Anyway, on the lower track, two lava waves push up on it, breaking it into two separate pieces. The Minecart will drop down onto the second piece of track being pushed up by the second lava wave. Here, the Kongs can see a Minecart waiting to be landed on by the Kongs on its track ahead. So, just before this Minecart falls into the lava ahead, the Kongs can jump to this other Minecart awaiting on its track. Hopefully, they land on it. So, in the end, both routes lead to the same Minecart awaiting on its track. Anyway, the Minecart will move forward on its small track. The Kongs can see a gap ahead with a Minecart awaiting on its track after it. Right before the Minecart falls into this gap, the Kongs can jump to the next Minecart awaiting on its track. However, as they do so, a strange, very weird, ball of fire (or Fireball, whatever you want to call it) pops out of the lava in the gap. No, these aren't the weird Fireballs from Hot Rocket, nor are they the common ones which resemble Char-chars with no facial expression, which act like Podoboos from the Mario series. These Fireballs are completely different from both of those two types of Fireballs encountered already. Hmmm, the Volcano is one strange place in truth. Anyway, on this next Minecart, the Kongs will reach a wall made up of four Flaming Tiki Buzzes above the track immediately after landing on this Minecart. Since these enemies are so close to the Minecart's awaiting point on the track, the Kongs must duck immediately when they land here in order to get past the four enemies stacked on top of each other. Immediately after this wall of four Flaming Tiki Buzzes, the player will see a part of the track that dips into the lava. An arch of Bananas can be found over the part of the track hidden inside the lava. The Kongs cannot travel through this part of track, which dips into the lava at all, otherwise they will die (note why the arch of Bananas is placed above that part of the track; it is a signal to help the Kongs know when to jump over it). So, to get past this part of the track inside the lava, the Kongs must jump as soon as the Minecart heads underneath the first Banana in the arch of Bananas. This takes the Kongs through the arch of Bananas and onto the Minecart as it comes out of the lava on its track. The Minecart now carries the Kongs down a downwards slope. Soon, at the very end of the downwards slope, the Minecart moves straight just before it falls into a gap of lava. After this gap, there is an awaiting Minecart on its track. So before the Minecart falls into this gap of lava, the Kongs should carefully jump onto this next Minecart awaiting on its track. As they do so, a strange ball of fire/Fireball pops out of the lava. Hopefully, they land on this next Minecart. Here, the Minecart begins to move, carrying the Kongs along its small track. Here, the Kongs can see another, fairly small gap with a Minecart awaiting on its small track ahead. Well, its track is small because it is separated from another small track by a tiny crack. Anyway, before this Minecart heads into the lava in the small gap, the Kongs should carefully jump to this Minecart awaiting on its small track. Hopefully, the heroes land on it. Anyway, as soon as the apes land on this Minecart, a lava wave pushes its small track upwards. The Minecart will drop down to the second small piece of track where another lava wave pushes it upwards. OK, the letter O is above a quite large gap of lava far to the left of a next Minecart awaiting on its track. So, to reach this letter, which is located in a very dangerous area, the Kongs must let the Minecart carry them through it as it drops down into the lava. As soon as the apes hit the letter O, which collects the letter, they must immediately jump to the next Minecart awaiting on its track. Hopefully, they end up on this Minecart. The Minecart here carries the Kongs along a straight track, however, this track sinks down into the lava (or abyss, it is one of them) below. So before the track falls entirely and the Minecart heads into a tiny lava wall to its right, the Kongs can carefully jump to a higher Minecart awaiting on its track, hopefully landing on it. Here, the first thing the Kongs encounter is a piece of track that dips into the lava. This piece of track that dips into the lava is very close to the Minecart's awaiting point. So you know what that means, right? Yep, it means as soon as we land on this Minecart we have to jump over this piece of track in the lava and wait a minute! How come no arch of Bananas is found over this piece of track dipping into the lava! Was that just an introduction to the pieces of track that dip into the lava? Well, guess it was. *Sigh*, guess there's no way to tell when to jump. What! That's not true at all! False! To tell when to jump over this piece of track that dips into the lava, the Kongs should wait for the Minecart to head over the small downwards slope in this piece of track that dips into the lava. As soon as the Minecart is about to land in the lava, the Kongs should jump. This will take them over the piece of track dipping into the lava, and then put them right back onto the Minecart. Almost immediately after the Kongs land back on the Minecart, they will land on a part of track which a lava wave pushes up on. The next piece of track is also getting pushed up by a second lava wave. However, the difference between these two lava waves is the piece of track being pushed up by the second lava wave has a Flaming Tiki Buzz hovering above it. Oh gosh! How do we dodge this enemy? Well, let's find out. On the first piece of track being pushed up by the first lava wave here, the Kongs must jump as soon as the Minecart is about to head onto the second piece of track being pushed up the second lava wave here. The apes will head over the Flaming Tiki Buzz above the second piece of track, which the Minecart is rushing past. The Kongs will land on the Minecart on a third piece of track being pushed upwards by a third lava wave. Ahead of the Kongs, there is a group of Bananas that form a downward slope after this third piece of track. In the place of what would've been the fourth Banana among these Bananas is the letter N. So here's the trick. As soon as the Minecart takes the Kongs underneath the first Banana of this group, the Kongs should jump. If done correctly, the Kongs will end up going through all the Bananas + the letter N. They will land back onto the Minecart on a piece of track being pushed up by a lava wave. The Minecart quickly moves onto a second, smaller piece of track also being pushed up by a smaller lava wave almost immediately after the Kongs land back onto it. Anyway, a third piece of track is seen after this second, smaller piece of track being pushed upwards by a smaller lava wave. Above this third piece of track is another Flaming Tiki Buzz, which hovers over the track. So, right before the Minecart goes onto the third piece of track, the apes should jump. This will take them over the Flaming Tiki Buzz. The Kongs will land back onto the Minecart as it lands on a fourth, small piece of track that is being pushed upwards by a small lava wave. After this fourth, small piece of track, the Kongs can find a quite large gap with an arch of Bananas over it. The arch of Bananas ends at a large floor (even though less than a fourth of the floor can be seen from the fourth, small piece of track). So, right when the Minecart carries the Kongs underneath the first Banana of this arch of Bananas, they should jump. If done correctly, the apes will head through the arch of Bananas and land on this large floor. This floor is a weird, brown color. It is a type of floor that has never been seen before. A brown raised part of floor is in the middle of the floor, and it holds the Tutorial Pig who hosts the first and only checkpoint in the level. So, the Kongs can jump onto this raised part of floor and activate the checkpoint by moving through it, as always. At the end of this raised part of floor, the Kongs can see a Barrel Cannon above a gap of lava ahead. From this raised part of floor, they can jump into the Barrel Cannon. The Barrel Cannon will catch the Kongs. Here, they can fire and move right to land on an awaiting Minecart on its puny track. Yeah, this track is REALLY PUNY! So, when the Kongs land on this Minecart, they must jump immediately to land on another awaiting Minecart on its puny track. Also, the Minecart's puny track sinks into the lava, making it a little harder to jump to the next awaiting Minecart. However, on this next awaiting Minecart, the Kongs will be carried straight, however...THIS TRACK IS SINKING INTO THE LAVA TOO!!! SO FAR, THIS LEVEL IS JUST PURE MADNESS!!! At the end of the track, there is a small gap with another awaiting Minecart on its track after it. However, before this small gap, at the right edge of this current Minecart's track, there is a Flaming Tiki Buzz. Yikes! Anyway, as the Kongs near the right edge of this sinking track, it's right edge starts to point up. The rest of the track is inside the lava! Goodness gracious! Anyway, right before the Kongs reach the Flaming Tiki Buzz, they should jump. This will take them over the Flaming Tiki Buzz onto the next Minecart awaiting on its track. While the Kongs jump here, they can notice their Minecart crash into the Flaming Tiki Buzz and break into bits! Wow! Those are some dangerous enemies alright! Anyway, here on this next Minecart, the Kongs will be carried down a small slope just before they reach another Flaming Tiki Buzz above the track. Right as the Minecart is about to head straight after the small slope on this track, the Kongs should jump. This causes them to head over the Flaming Tiki Buzz safely and land back onto the Minecart. Now, ahead of the Kongs, in the gap ahead, there is a platform with a strange, pot-like object that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely, on it. So, since the Minecart is right next to the gap which this platform is in, the Kongs should jump to land on the platform. Here, the Kongs can head to this platform's right edge to find another platform with a Tiki Goon on it fall from above into the lava. Yeah, the Kongs could jump here now...IF A BALL OF FIRE/FIREBALL DID NOT HAVE TO JUMP OUT OF THE LAVA IN THE SMALL GAP RIGHT BEFORE THIS PLATFORM!!! So, when this ball of fire/Fireball jumps out of the lava and heads high enough, the Kongs should quickly jump to this next platform. They can hover to the Tiki Goon and land on it, for it is a smart idea to do so. Why? Well, what if you had to jump to the platform and end up so close to the Tiki Goon that it attacks you? So, with that being said, the apes can land on the Tiki Goon to defeat it. After it is defeated, the Kongs can head to the right edge of this platform. Here, they can witness a platform in the lava ahead split in half. This means now this platform splits into two small platforms. Right before this happens, a ball of fire/Fireball jumps out of the lava and lands back into it. So, when the ball of fire/Fireball heads into the lava, the Kongs can jump onto the first half of the platform that has split. From here, they can jump to the second half of the platform that has split. A platform that holds a Tiki Tank falls from above into the lava ahead. Right before the Kongs even get to the second half of the platform that has split, a ball of fire in the small gap of lava before the platform with the Tiki Tank jumps out of the lava and heads back into it. So, when the ball of fire heads back into the lava, the Kongs must quickly jump to this platform with the Tiki Tank on it, for those two halves of the platform that has split are sinking into the lava. After this platform with the Tiki Tank on it, there is a Minecart awaiting on the very top of its track, which is a downwards slope. Since this platform with the Tiki Tank on it is sinking into the lava, much like the others seen before, the Kongs should quickly rush and jump to reach this Minecart safely. If the Kongs high bounce off the Tiki Tank and move right, they can reach the Minecart as well. Anyway, on this Minecart, the Kongs will be carried down a small downwards slope. The Minecart will then head straight for a short period and then reach a part of the track pointing upwards. Basically, the track pointing upwards points up at a grassy turf-covered ceiling covered in Bananas. So, as soon as the Minecart reaches this part of the track that points upwards, the Kongs should jump and cling onto the grassy turf-covered ceiling. Here, they must quickly move forward. Why? CAUSE THE GRASSY TURF-COVERED CEILING IS FALLING BEHIND THE KONGS!!! THE CEILING!!! IT'S FALLING!!! IT'S FALLING!!! Just like usual, the ceiling is falling after every touch the Kongs make on it. However, close to the end of the grassy turf-covered ceiling, the Kongs can witness a solid, gray platform fall from above into the lava. So, the Kongs should keep heading forward towards the end of this grassy turf-covered ceiling and drop down to this solid, gray platform without stopping. Here, the Kongs can head to this quite small platform's right edge. Another grassy turf-covered ceiling can be seen ahead. There is a part of this grassy turf-covered ceiling that heads upward to the right diagonally. Anyway, the very beginning of this grassy turf-covered ceiling is made up of four falling parts of turf, and they hold four Bananas on them. So, quickly, the Kongs can jump and cling onto this grassy turf-covered ceiling, for the solid, gray platform is sinking into the lava. Anyway, here, the Kongs should move forward without stopping, for four parts of the grassy turf-covered ceiling fall into the lava ahead. The Kongs can then move up on the small part of the grassy turf-covered ceiling that heads upwards to the right diagonally and does not fall at all. Here, the grassy turf-covered ceiling gets pushed down by a structure it's attached to, attaching itself onto a new grassy turf-covered ceiling, This new grassy turf-covered ceiling is made up of falling parts of turf, so the Kongs must continue to move forward. However, as soon as the Kongs touch this new grassy turf-covered ceiling, majority of it falls into the lava and acts as a new solid, gray platform. So, the Kongs should drop down to this new "solid, gray platform" without stopping. Here, they can witness the remaining parts of the new grassy turf-covered ceiling fall into the lava, however, the last falling part leaves behind a Puzzle Piece in its place. So, using the "solid, gray platform" as a stool, the Kongs can jump to this Puzzle Piece, and then land back onto this "platform" once more. Here, the Kongs can head to this "solid, gray platform's" right edge. They can notice a grassy turf-covered ceiling ahead, and also witness a ball of fire/Fireball jump out of the lava below its left edge and fall back into it. Anyway, this grassy turf-covered ceiling is made up of three falling parts of turf, and then all the rest of it is a path going upwards to the right diagonally that does not fall at all. So, quickly, the Kongs should jump to this grassy turf-covered ceiling when the ball of fire/Fireball falls back into the lava. Here, they should quickly move forward to get past the three parts of the grassy turf-covered ceiling that fall off. Immediately after the Kongs pass these three falling parts safely and begin to head up the part of the grassy turf that heads upwards to the right diagonally, they can notice that the lava starts to rise as they climb upwards to the right diagonally. Wait, but this isn't the later, Red Red Rising! Why is the lava rising?! The tricks they put in these levels. However, the main difference here is that Red Red Rising is a level made up mostly of rising lava which the Kongs must avoid while climbing up a volcanic tower. This lava is only rising currently. Anyway, the Kongs should keep climbing up this grassy turf. They can notice the lava pushing up a Barrel Cannon at its right edge as it rises. However, the Kongs should keep rising. Soon, they reach the end of the grassy turf-covered ceiling which is heading straight. From here, the Kongs should drop down to the Barrel Cannon safely without stopping. The Barrel Cannon can fire the Kongs onto an awaiting Minecart on its track. As the Kongs land here, they can notice that the track is made up of many broken parts. As the Kongs travel on this first piece of track it starts to descend into the lava, causing the parts of track ahead to descend too. Banana Bunches are above the Kongs as they head down, which they can jump to, just so you know. Anyway, the Minecart will end up on the second piece of track that descends into the lava. Here, the Minecart will then rush onto the third piece of track that descends into the lava, then onto the fourth. From the fourth piece of track that is descending into the lava, the Minecart then rushes down onto the fifth piece of track that descends into the lava. Then the Minecart rushes onto the sixth piece of the track that descends into the lava. The letter G is above the seventh piece of track that descends into the lava. However, to reach the letter G, the Kongs must jump off the Minecart while it travels on the fifth piece of track's right edge (it is wise to count the pieces of track as soon as you land on the Minecart here on the first piece of track. This helps you know when to jump). They will, most likely, end up going through the letter K. Anyway, after the seventh piece of track, the Minecart falls onto an eighth piece of track before it falls into the lava. However, after the eighth piece of track, there is another Minecart awaiting on its track. So, right before the Minecart and the eighth piece of track head into the lava, the Kongs should jump to this next awaiting Minecart on its track. Hopefully, the Kongs land here. Anyway, the Minecart on this track starts moving forward on its small track, however, the track is sinking. After this Minecart on its small track, there is a quite large gap with another Minecart awaiting on its track ahead. So, as soon as this Minecart is about to head off its track into the quite large gap, the Kongs should jump to the next awaiting Minecart on its track, hopefully landing on it. Here, the Minecart will carry the Kongs along its small track, which is also sinking at the same time. After this Minecart's track, there is a quite large gap with floor with the level's Slot Machine Barrel above it, after this gap. So right when the Minecart on its track is about to fall into the quite large gap, the Kongs should jump. They will land on the floor. Since nothing else here (nope, no special stuff is here), the Kongs can go ahead and jump to the Slot Machine Barrel. When the Kongs do so and the Slot Machine Barrel is hit, Roasting Rails is complete! YES!!! YES!!! WE BEAT THIS LEVEL!!! WE BEAT IT!!! MAN, THIS LEVEL IS PURE MADNESS!!! Anyway, let's now put this level into a realistic image...WHO WOULD BUILD A MINECART TRACK IN A VOLCANO WITHOUT EXPECTING IT TO BE MELTED INTO BITS??!!!
- Roasting Rails is the third stage of Volcano, the eighth world in Donkey Kong Country Returns and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. It is a Mine Cart stage and contains a lot of lava. In many parts of the stage, lava will rise up, thereby sending the track up. It is preceded by Hot Rocket and followed by Smokey Peak.