| - Subways are a staple of horror. There are long, dirty, abandoned corridors. There are escalators which invite vertigo and all kinds of fatal accidents. There are the endless tunnels, much like the Haunted Castle, but with the added charm only a Water Level with poor lighting and escalating claustrophobia can bring. Full of unexplained echoes, dripping water, clanking metal and chains, and the earthquake-like passing of other (functional) subway trains passing overhead. There is the subway itself, which can be full of criminals, dangerously overcrowded or numinously empty. And let's not forget the platforms, which can be dimly lit and full of hiding places for all kinds of evil.
| - Subways are a staple of horror. There are long, dirty, abandoned corridors. There are escalators which invite vertigo and all kinds of fatal accidents. There are the endless tunnels, much like the Haunted Castle, but with the added charm only a Water Level with poor lighting and escalating claustrophobia can bring. Full of unexplained echoes, dripping water, clanking metal and chains, and the earthquake-like passing of other (functional) subway trains passing overhead. There is the subway itself, which can be full of criminals, dangerously overcrowded or numinously empty. And let's not forget the platforms, which can be dimly lit and full of hiding places for all kinds of evil. Expect the Sinister Subway to be populated by monsters, alligators, mutants, vampires, mutant vampire alligators, and good old Serial Killers...or, alternativey, miles and miles of darkly lit, empty nothing. Where a Haunted Castle says "Victorian", the Sinister Subway says "art deco" or even "industrial", and can set the tone of this horror game or movie with the broken promises of an industrial age, rather than the forgotten splendor of a Victorian past. Compare Absurdly Spacious Sewer, Subways Suck. See also The London Underground, New York Subway, Le Métropolitain (Paris's transit system) and Moscow Metro. Examples of Sinister Subway include: