| - The United States army prepares to invade the Decepticon base. Unknown to them, the Decepticons are already planning to abandon this base for a new one off the Florida keys, intending to make better use of the stolen hydrothermocline to meet their energy needs. Megatron has other concerns on his mind. He is preoccupied with the death of Optimus Prime, unable to fully believe that his enemy is, in fact, dead. This uncertainty drives him mad (as well as the fact that it was a human that did the actual killing, rather than himself).
| - The United States army prepares to invade the Decepticon base. Unknown to them, the Decepticons are already planning to abandon this base for a new one off the Florida keys, intending to make better use of the stolen hydrothermocline to meet their energy needs. Megatron has other concerns on his mind. He is preoccupied with the death of Optimus Prime, unable to fully believe that his enemy is, in fact, dead. This uncertainty drives him mad (as well as the fact that it was a human that did the actual killing, rather than himself). As the other Decepticons abandon their base, Shockwave and Soundwave stay behind to arrange for the Predacons to attack and destroy Megatron. To further Megatron's confusion, the Predacons have been fitted with Autobot symbols, to make him think that they have been sent by Optimus Prime. The Predacons locate and attack Megatron who, despite being outnumbered five-to-one, is able to defend himself (although not unscathed by any means). Finding Megatron too strong for them to defeat in their individual forms, the Predacons combine into Predaking. However, Predaking just proves to be a bigger target, and Megatron defeats him with one blast of his fusion cannon. When the Decepticons arrive at their new base, a Decepticon soldier (it is unclear who) locates a laser disk inside Predaking, which Soundwave then plays back to reveal Shockwave's attempt to have Megatron killed. As Megatron threatens to destroy Shockwave, Shockwave explains that he recorded major portions of his personality on the disk he gave to the Predacons: "I controlled the Predacons. I was with them as much as I am with you now!" This revelation causes Megatron to reflect on Optimus Prime's death. He now knows what he did not see at the time: that Optimus Prime's personality had been saved on a computer disk. This awareness drives him mad once again, and he blows up the space bridge to Cybertron with himself on it. Both disappear, and Shockwave reflects that it was not he himself who destroyed Megatron, but "a memory did!"