Unless otherwise stated, debuffs cannot stack with themselves, with repeated applications upon the same target simply causing the debuff duration to reset and not incurring increased effectiveness. All debuffs are either temporary or conditional and do not persist after the affected target's death. There are currently 4 sources of debuffs: champion abilities, summoner spells, item effects and neutral monsters.
Unless otherwise stated, debuffs cannot stack with themselves, with repeated applications upon the same target simply causing the debuff duration to reset and not incurring increased effectiveness. All debuffs are either temporary or conditional and do not persist after the affected target's death. Resource expenditure linked to ability usage (such as with most mana- and energy-using champions) is not considered to be a debuff. Abilities with certain tradeoff mechanics (such as the increasing mana cost and damage of 20px|border|alt=Kassadin|link=Kassadin Kassadins or the decreased attack range in 20px|border|alt=Nidalee|link=Nidalee Nidalees form) are also not considered to be debuffs. There are currently 4 sources of debuffs: champion abilities, summoner spells, item effects and neutral monsters.