| - Free runners have been found to be immune from all sickness and burnt potato peelings and suffer only from minor injuries and broken car mufflers. while free running the, runner may suffer from things such as: bruises, cuts, scrapes, road burn, broken bones, concussion, pneumonia, death, polar bears, over exposure to nuclear radiation, monkeys with aids, and raining man-pies. Quite obviously a very safe sport! So get out there and have fun! Free run!
| - Free runners have been found to be immune from all sickness and burnt potato peelings and suffer only from minor injuries and broken car mufflers. while free running the, runner may suffer from things such as: bruises, cuts, scrapes, road burn, broken bones, concussion, pneumonia, death, polar bears, over exposure to nuclear radiation, monkeys with aids, and raining man-pies. Quite obviously a very safe sport! So get out there and have fun! Free run! But, it is highly recomended by experts that you do not fart whe free-running. Their reasoning is that when you fart, you laugh. And when you laugh, you laugh even more, resulting in continuous fartage, and you die. So don't fart. For your own benefit and the benefit of others too. Why others you may ask? Ahem..well you may not know this but plants have feelings too, ya know.