| - After being teased by kids at school with insults such as "Verne the Worm" and "La-Verne", Verne decides that he wants a new name. After learning that his parents flipped a coin to decide whether to name him after author Jules Verne, or after Clara's uncle, Verne and Marty head back to 1800s France to convince the science fiction author to change his name. Verne suggests that the author rename himself "Bart Simpson", "Luke Perry", "Hammer", "Raphael", "Charles Dickens", etc. When that plan fails, they head to October 29, 1888, the day of Verne's birth, to convince Doc and Clara to use another name for their second child, who is about to be born.
| - After being teased by kids at school with insults such as "Verne the Worm" and "La-Verne", Verne decides that he wants a new name. After learning that his parents flipped a coin to decide whether to name him after author Jules Verne, or after Clara's uncle, Verne and Marty head back to 1800s France to convince the science fiction author to change his name. Verne suggests that the author rename himself "Bart Simpson", "Luke Perry", "Hammer", "Raphael", "Charles Dickens", etc. When that plan fails, they head to October 29, 1888, the day of Verne's birth, to convince Doc and Clara to use another name for their second child, who is about to be born. Verne uses his flying cap to descend to the Brown home. Marty McFly (after running into a flock of geese) accidentally crashes the DeLorean on top of snow-covered pine trees and, in a scene reminiscent of his last visit to the old West, is knocked unconscious while fleeing from a bear. Verne meets his father, his expectant mother, and his older brother Jules, who is a baby in 1888. After rescuing Jules from injury, Verne is welcomed into the Browns' home. While there, he asks his parents what they intend to name their next child. "If it's a girl", the baby will be named for Florence Nightingale. "And if it's a boy?" Verne learns that his mother wants to name him for her Uncle Jehosaphat, while his father wants to name him for Galileo. Verne's latest suggestions, including Max, Marky, Magic, Kareem, Ice Cube, or "Bond. James Bond", etc. are lost as Clara and Doc get into a quarrel. Clara orders Doc out of the house, and Doc angrily storms off into the snow and gets lost. Soon, Clara is ready to give birth and she sends Verne out to find her husband and a doctor. As it turns out, Marty had been rescued by the town's physician/veterinarian and had been looking for Verne. The parties come together, although paradox-minded Marty hides rather than risk an encounter with 1888 Doc. After the baby is born, Verne realizes that there are worse names that a kid could have after being introduced to Dr. Windjammer Diefendorfer. In the original timeline, Doc and Clara ultimately compromised on the name "Verne" after having named their first-born "Jules". After older Verne's interference with his parents' lives in 1888, their first idea for a compromise had been to flip a coin to choose between Galileo or Jehosaphat. This potential alteration of the timeline doesn't come to pass, however. This time around, they end up naming their new baby Verne anyway, but for a different reason. Rather than honoring Jules Verne, they agree that their child should be named after the "very brave young man" who came to visit them ... Verne Brown himself.