The planet Athenia was introduced into the Transformers universe as an unusual, irregular planetary body, resembling nothing so much as a chunk of rock. By the year 2010, however, it had been completely terraformed into a spherical world. It is possessed of no particularly strange or unusual geographical features, decorated with grassy fields, rivers and mountains, though after terraforming, its sky is a reddish-purple. It does not appear to have any sentient native lifeforms.
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| - The planet Athenia was introduced into the Transformers universe as an unusual, irregular planetary body, resembling nothing so much as a chunk of rock. By the year 2010, however, it had been completely terraformed into a spherical world. It is possessed of no particularly strange or unusual geographical features, decorated with grassy fields, rivers and mountains, though after terraforming, its sky is a reddish-purple. It does not appear to have any sentient native lifeforms.
- Athenia is a Secret Kingdom for mythical creatures and magical beings. It is where Astral was raised all of her life, until now.
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| - The planet Athenia was introduced into the Transformers universe as an unusual, irregular planetary body, resembling nothing so much as a chunk of rock. By the year 2010, however, it had been completely terraformed into a spherical world. It is possessed of no particularly strange or unusual geographical features, decorated with grassy fields, rivers and mountains, though after terraforming, its sky is a reddish-purple. It does not appear to have any sentient native lifeforms.
- Athenia is a Secret Kingdom for mythical creatures and magical beings. It is where Astral was raised all of her life, until now.