| - Named after the common scenario found in the adventures of the Dark Knight Detective, this is the short two-to-three page Cold Open sequence that opens a super-hero comic, depicting the vigilante engaging in some crime-fighting on Bit Part Badguys. Sometimes involves Luckily, My Powers Will Protect Me. See also Action Prologue, a.k.a. Bond Cold Open. Contrast Danger Room Cold Open. Compare And the Adventure Continues..., which is essentially the opposite, done at the end of the series. Examples of Batman Cold Open include:
| - Named after the common scenario found in the adventures of the Dark Knight Detective, this is the short two-to-three page Cold Open sequence that opens a super-hero comic, depicting the vigilante engaging in some crime-fighting on Bit Part Badguys. Typically, this is a bank-robbery or a mugging, usually unrelated to the plot-at-large, meant to illustrate the crime-fighting abilities of our hero, and often giving him the chance to brood about whatever is/will be bothering him for the extent of the issue. It can also help offset The Worf Effect by showing that the hero is competent before having him beaten by the serious threat later in the story. The opening titles for the TV series Batman the Animated Series also used this trope, as does Batman the Brave And The Bold. In a practical sense, it allows for a reasonable amount of action in an issue that may be very talky, especially if it's the start of a Story Arc. Speaking of story arcs, plot-driven series sometimes devote entire episodes/issues/chapters at the beginning to Exposition of the heroes' powers and routine assignments, as well as any kind of Applied Phlebotinum, before said plot takes over. If nothing really exciting happens and we are instead treated to normal life at the beginning before It Got Worse, it overlaps with Day in the Life. Sometimes involves Luckily, My Powers Will Protect Me. See also Action Prologue, a.k.a. Bond Cold Open. Contrast Danger Room Cold Open. Compare And the Adventure Continues..., which is essentially the opposite, done at the end of the series. Examples of Batman Cold Open include: