| - The idol was created at an unknown time and its early uses have not been chronicled. The first known holders of the Idol were three Tantaror rebels who worshipped the evil priest Orkym-Ro. When he died, his followers vowed to build him a giant stone monument as their religion dictates. For this, they needed many slaves to carry out their work. Taking a ship and the Idol, the rebels transported themselves to Mobius and captured many citizens, forcing them to work. When they weren't working, the slaves were forced to wait in the Ghost Ship of Tantaragor whilst the Tantaror captured more workers. At some point, knowledge of the Idol reached Captain Plunder. Wishing to become the most feared pirate on Mobius, Plunder took the Sky Pirates into the clouds to locate the Ghost Ship and managed to find it shortly before they were struck by lightning. Fortunately, they crash-landed on the Floating Island and were able to convince Knuckles the Echidna to take them back up to the ship. The pirates (closely followed by Knuckles) boarded the ship and found the Idol. However, they were unable to escape with it before the Tantaror returned and many of them were killed or captured by the powerful enemy. Backed into a corner, Plunder eventually activated the Idol and transported himself, Knuckles, Filch and Simpson the Cat back to Scourge Bay. In pirate territory, Knuckles decided that he wanted to return to the ship and save the slaves, much to Plunder's disgust. A fight for the Idol broke out, prompting the arrival of Zorabel, the Pirate Queen. Before she could order him away from town, the entire congregation were summoned, via the Idol, to the Tantaror dimension. Ekkletos, the Tantaror's spiritual leader, had activated the Idol expecting the "heretics" to arrive instead. Since Knuckles and the pirates were now here, Knuckles explained about the slaves and was sent, again via the Idol, back to the Ghost Ship. Once there, the aliens easily retook the Idol from the echidna, but found that it would not take them back to their home. As it turned out, Ekkletos had already summoned the entire ship back home. Knuckles and the pirates were sent back to Scourge Bay, minus the Idol.