| - Headquartered on Coruscant, it was responsible for all Imperial special operations within a ten-thousand light-year radius from Coruscant, and its area of responsibility (AOR) included Imperial colonies and interests within the Deep Core, Koornacht Cluster, Core Worlds, the Corellian Sector, and the Colonies. Notable worlds under its jurisdiction included Coruscant, Corellia, Duro, Kuat, Byss, and Bilbringi.
| - Headquartered on Coruscant, it was responsible for all Imperial special operations within a ten-thousand light-year radius from Coruscant, and its area of responsibility (AOR) included Imperial colonies and interests within the Deep Core, Koornacht Cluster, Core Worlds, the Corellian Sector, and the Colonies. Notable worlds under its jurisdiction included Coruscant, Corellia, Duro, Kuat, Byss, and Bilbringi. With contributions from the Imperial Army Special Operations Command, the Imperial Naval Special Warfare Command, and the Imperial Intelligence Special Operations Command, the 1st Special Operations Command's subordinate maneuver forces were comprised of the 41st Imperial Special Operations Army (Airborne), the 91st Imperial Special Operations Army (Airborne), the 21st Imperial Naval Special Operations Force, and the 1st Intelligence Special Operations Brigade. Furthermore, both the 10th Imperial Psychological Warfare and Civil Affairs Army (Airborne) and the 12th Imperial Special Operations Support Army (Airborne) were headquartered at the 1st Special Operations Command — despite this, both the 10th Mind Walkers and the 12th Support did not have their activities constrained to the Area of Responsibility of the 1st Special Operations Commands, and both Support Special Operations Armies were authorized to deploy to anywhere in the galaxy. Some strongly suspected that both the Imperial Army Special Activities Battle Expeditionary Regiment ("Saber Force") and the Imperial Intelligence Special Clandestine Activities Regiment were also headquartered on Coruscant and were under the direct command of the 1st Special Operations Command — however, in reality, both of those units were instead subordinated to the 10th Galactic Empire Special Operations Command.