| - Demon Lord is a M.U.G.E.N character and stage creator. One of the characters he has made was Lord Zedd. He has his own website. However, some of the links are dead and some can only be accessesd by a password because there were too many who liked to leech off of him. He is currently retired from M.U.G.E.N.
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- Demon Lord The Demon Lords all stem from the same class. They have a humanoid and muscular body, which is covered with a scaly skin. Bulges on their heads, which almost look like horns, prevent them from wearing helmets along with their other armor. They are skilful with all types of weapons, but they prefer weapons which wound their opponents rather than killing them straight away. They think that an opponent who is instantly killed in a fight is only half of the fun.
- The Demon Lord is a special character you get when you enter in the Bad Ending route, also known as the Demon Lord Ending. He is extremely powerful, being the strongest playable character in the first game.
- The Demon Lord is a higher class of Demon that appears in Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. The Demon Lord wields a torch-like scepter as a weapon that manipulates fire which can be used as a projectile. The Demon Lord will also conjure lightning projectiles and fireball-like forms of magic.
- Power pulses through every thick muscle of these monsters, and a raw potency fills the air around them. They thrive on terror and domination, lashing out at enemies with magical force and imbuing fiery blasts with their own dark might. A demon lord’s brutal blows can defeat even the mightiest champions and wreak the havoc that these evil creatures crave. Demons are among the most terrible and powerful creatures. Demons wield titanic magics and are wreathed in a searing sheet of flames. The mightiest demons overcome their enemies with terror and dread.
- The Demon Lord, alternatively translated Monster Lord or sometimes Maou, is the leader of all the monsters in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world. There have been multiple Demon Lords, and the title may have been held by very many monsters since the creation of the world. Previous holders have been bloodthirsty anthrocidal killers in the classical "monster" tradition, but the current incumbent, a succubus, is rather more a lover than a fighter.
- Most of the Demon Lords were killed by the explosions of their Hagan Shafts, provided to them by Teeth, Lord of Santa Monica, who betrayed his fellow Lords to Angel in exchange for his life. Lorne, Lord of Silver Lake, was then left as sole authority figure until the city was restored. Thanks to the temporal fold performed by the Senior Partners to resurrect Angel, however, all the dead Lords were resurrected. Those who had been betrayed by Teeth decided to exact their revenge of the demon loan shark.
- Their creatures are infernal and so affected by the Word of Light combat spell and other light spells do more damage. Their abilities include hellfire (all infernal creatures do additional fire damage) and consume corpse, allowing the Demon lord to consume the body of any dead creature to regain some mana. Neither ability uses the hero's mana.
- A demon lord (a.k.a. demonlord or daemonlord) is a term used to describe powerful demons. The term is usually coined to the leaders of the Burning Legion. (RotH 81)
- The Demon Lord is the leader of what is called, "true evil on Earth". He was originally part of the Paix and only son of the Grand Master. He struggled most of his life with attempts to recieve affection from his father. The Spirit of Fate approached him and offered him the love of his life and in exchange for his talents, the young man accepted the offer.
- Повелитель демонов, или владыка демонов, демон-лорд (англ. demon lord) — категория демонических существ в D&D, занимающая промежуточное положение между танар'ри и божествами, классический пример противников персонажей в рамках эпической кампании. Обычно термин «демон-лорд» применяется именно к демонам (танар’ри), но своими аналогами подобных существ обладают как их вечные противники баатезу, так и иные виды демонических существ, потому иногда термин употребляется расширенно, означая любое могущественное демоническое существо.
- A Demon Lord is among the most powerful of demons. The title apparently belongs to a member of the demon aristocracy who rules other demons in a dimension under a being of even higher order, in particular the Demon King. A demon of this status earns the title "Lord" in front of their name. The female equivalent of a Demon Lord appears to be called a Demon Queen, the known example being Deplora.
- A demon lord is a powerful and unique demon. They are by definition rulers of at least one layer of the Abyss, and have hordes of lesser demons in their service. Being creatures of chaos, however, not all demons are servants to a demon lord. All demon lords are technically — if not actively — at war with one another almost all the time. While some alliances are forged and uneasy truces held, most demon lords are actively at war with one or two others. Often these combatants have similar interests (and are therefore rivals for mortal worshipers) or have adjacent layers.
- Demon lords, also known as Abyssal lords, were archfiends who gained great power and established a position of preeminence among demonkind. Each demon lord had a unique appearance and set of abilities. Most controlled at least one layer of the Abyss. A demon lord, when slain in a plane other than the Abyss, was banished to the Abyss for a hundred years, whereas ordinary demons, including the mariliths and glabrezus, risked being reborn into a lesser form, or not at all. A demon lord who had complete control over an entire layer of the Abyss was known as a demon prince. "Demon lord" and "demon prince" were self-proclaimed titles; unlike the archdevils, the chaotic evil demon lords did not have a rigid hierarchy.