| - thumb|Logo Fathom Fathom – producent samochodów debiutujący w Grand Theft Auto V. Jest wzorowany na Infiniti.
- Fathom is a black and tan Dachshund in Nintendogs. He can be found on walks and in the park. He wears a platinum collar and his owner is Nate.
- The fathom is a unit of measure equivalent to 3 ells, or 6 feet.
- Fathom is a multiplayer map in Turok: Rage Wars.
- Fathom is a pinball machine produced by Bally.
- Fathom ist ein Automobilhersteller aus Grand Theft Auto V, der auf Infiniti basiert.
- The Trailer starts out with a man named "Gabriel" in a forest as he's looking at a mysterious tree. He returns to camp and tells his comrade about the noises he heard in the forest when an alarm suddenly sounds off. They rush outside and a battle ensues, it then starts raining and soldiers begin to burst into flame. A fast paced montage of action starts, which shows battle scenes, a meteor falling into the ocean with Gravemind speaking throughout the scenes.
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Fathom]] fæþm ‘outstretched arms’, from Germanic *faþmaz, from Indo-European *pet-. Cognate with Danish favn (“‘embrace’”), Dutch vadem, vaam, German Faden, Swedish famn.
- Fathom es una empresa fabricante de automóviles de Grand Theft Auto V. Está basada en Infiniti y sólo fabrica la SUV FQ 2
- A Fathom is a unit of measurement equal to six feet (1.82 metres), usually depth of water. It originated from the distance of a man's outstretched hands, as that's how you'd measure rope as you pull it.
- Fathom (Japanese: ファソム) is a Japanese luxury automobile manufacturer in the HD Universe, first debuted in Grand Theft Auto V.
- An exceedingly social mech built for marine salvage, with a keen interest in higher education, particularly that involving archaeology. While he has many other academic pursuits and enough energy to keep up with them, he strives to be an Autobot first, archaeologist second, and student of many doctrines third. Fathom is a triplechanger; he notably transforms into a seafaring mechanimal resembling a Terran dolphin, equipped with powerful SONAR capabilities that he can weaponize, and his land mode is a type of tricar with mounted concussion rockets. Finely tuned audial receptors allow him to "see" sound and root out hidden enemies. These same audials work against him when dealing with sonic attacks, however, and while he's highly resistant to water-based corrosion and acids, his armor is par