The show stars an unusual cast lead by Hank the Reaper and Willie Talk (yes, the toy ventriloquist dummy from your childhood). Other cast members include Abraham Lincoln, Mohandas Gandhi, Ralph the Reindeer, Jolly Chimp and Gay Dad. Sven and Angus do not actually appear in the series despite it being named after them. They are, however, the lead writers and puppeteers. Site: Fan Page:
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| - The show stars an unusual cast lead by Hank the Reaper and Willie Talk (yes, the toy ventriloquist dummy from your childhood). Other cast members include Abraham Lincoln, Mohandas Gandhi, Ralph the Reindeer, Jolly Chimp and Gay Dad. Sven and Angus do not actually appear in the series despite it being named after them. They are, however, the lead writers and puppeteers. Site: Fan Page:
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| - The show stars an unusual cast lead by Hank the Reaper and Willie Talk (yes, the toy ventriloquist dummy from your childhood). Other cast members include Abraham Lincoln, Mohandas Gandhi, Ralph the Reindeer, Jolly Chimp and Gay Dad. Sven and Angus do not actually appear in the series despite it being named after them. They are, however, the lead writers and puppeteers. Site: Fan Page: