| - This quest is easiest if started in Zen Daijun, since the henchmen are three levels higher, but the Nagas you will face are not particularly challenging (though you still meet some afflicted, which can be challenging). Once you meet with the Scout, head North hugging the western mountains. You will soon reach the beach and encounter groups of Nagas. Continue east along the shoreline, eliminating Nagas as you go. The beach has an obvious northern submerged area where the first quest marker lies. This is a good time to cast preparations, buff spells, and spirits, as the Naga will appear from the water as soon as you aggro the marker. Once this group is eliminated the marker shifts, and you will fight two more groups this way before completing the quest. Return to the Scout for your reward. Because this quest is less challenging than others in this area, it can be used as a warmup or to regain Death Penalty from other quests.