Compass Man (コンパスマン Konpasuman?) is the last of the seven Robot Masters known as the Dimensions fought by Rockman and Forte in Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chousensha. He is a friend of Rockman Shadow, a robot who traveled from the future with the purpose of destroying the world, and works for him, protecting the path to his stage. Unlike Sword Man, the only other boss to split like this, Compass Man is not damaged by hitting his torso; his weak point is actually at the top of the legs, making it tricky to hit with his weakness.
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| - Compass Man, mal escrito "Compas Man" (コンパスマン Konpasuman?, Trad. Hombre Compás) es un Robot Master basado en un compás, haciendo su única aparición en el juego licenciado Rockman & Forte: Challenger from the Future. Compass Man es uno de los 7 poderosos Robot Masters, denominados "Las Dimensiones", liderados por Rockman Shadow, quienes viajaron del futuro al pasado, con el único objetivo de destruir el mundo. Rockman Shadow es su mejor amigo, trabaja para él y protege el paso hacia su escenario.
- Compass Man (コンパスマン Konpasuman?) is the last of the seven Robot Masters known as the Dimensions fought by Rockman and Forte in Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chousensha. He is a friend of Rockman Shadow, a robot who traveled from the future with the purpose of destroying the world, and works for him, protecting the path to his stage. Unlike Sword Man, the only other boss to split like this, Compass Man is not damaged by hitting his torso; his weak point is actually at the top of the legs, making it tricky to hit with his weakness.
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primera aparición
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| - Barrier Wind and Forte Cyclone
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- 3(xsd:integer)
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| - leftCompass Manright
- left|B right|FCompass Man
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| - 2(xsd:integer)
- 3(xsd:integer)
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| - Compass Man, mal escrito "Compas Man" (コンパスマン Konpasuman?, Trad. Hombre Compás) es un Robot Master basado en un compás, haciendo su única aparición en el juego licenciado Rockman & Forte: Challenger from the Future. Compass Man es uno de los 7 poderosos Robot Masters, denominados "Las Dimensiones", liderados por Rockman Shadow, quienes viajaron del futuro al pasado, con el único objetivo de destruir el mundo. Rockman Shadow es su mejor amigo, trabaja para él y protege el paso hacia su escenario. Como los otros Dimensiones, el nombre de Compass Man puede ser engañoso, pero es absolutamente un poderoso enemigo. Compass Man puede separar su torso de sus piernas y gira alrededor de la , cortando al oponente con sus manos tipo-cuchilla, mientras sus piernas corren por la sala, haciéndose de cebo, para hacer aún más daño. A diferencia de Sword Man (otro robot que se puede separar), Compass Man no es dañado por atacar su torso, su punto débil es una parte que sobresale sobre sus piernas, por lo que es difícil golpearlo con su debilidad. Es débil al Rockn Vulcan y al Forte Vulcan, aunque el Barrier Wind y el Forte Cyclone son buenas opciones. Para jugar el escenario de Compass Man, debes haber derrotado ya a los Clock Men. Al vencerlo no recibirás ninguna Arma Especial.
- Compass Man (コンパスマン Konpasuman?) is the last of the seven Robot Masters known as the Dimensions fought by Rockman and Forte in Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chousensha. He is a friend of Rockman Shadow, a robot who traveled from the future with the purpose of destroying the world, and works for him, protecting the path to his stage. Like some of the other Dimensions, Compass Man's name might be deceiving, but he is quite a powerful foe. Compass Man can separate his torso from his legs and spins around the room, slicing at opponents with his deadly blade hands, while his legs will try to corner his "prey" and do even more damage. Compass Man, like the Clock Men, is a very mobile adversary, and thus is weakened and slowed down by Aircon Man's Barrier Wind and Forte Cyclone attacks, though the Doppel Crash and Doppler Attack also inflict considerable damage to him. Compass Man does not leave a weapon upon his defeat. Unlike Sword Man, the only other boss to split like this, Compass Man is not damaged by hitting his torso; his weak point is actually at the top of the legs, making it tricky to hit with his weakness. Compass Man's stage is only available after the defeat of the Clock Men.
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