Xebel (formerly known as Dimension Aqua) is a dimension made entirely of water, where lives a group of separate Atlanteans. After a rebellion in its Dimension, Mera finds refuge in Atlantis where she becomes Queen. In the DCnU Xebel is located within the Bermuda Triangle.
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| - Xebel (formerly known as Dimension Aqua) is a dimension made entirely of water, where lives a group of separate Atlanteans. After a rebellion in its Dimension, Mera finds refuge in Atlantis where she becomes Queen. In the DCnU Xebel is located within the Bermuda Triangle.
- Dimension Aqua is an otherwordly alien dimension comprised completely of water. It is the birthplace of the future Atlantean queen, Mera. Once, a criminal named Leron seized control of the kingdom, deposing the reigning queen, Mera. Mera is exiled and flees to the Earth dimension where she enlists the aid of Aquaman and Aqualad. Leron pursues Mera to Atlantis and enages in battle with Aquaman, Aqualad, Mera and the water sprite, Quisp. He captures them all and brings them to Mera's homeland. Returning to Earth, Aquaman invites Mera to stay with him in Atlantis.
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| - Dimension Aqua is an otherwordly alien dimension comprised completely of water. It is the birthplace of the future Atlantean queen, Mera.
Once, a criminal named Leron seized control of the kingdom, deposing the reigning queen, [[W:C:DC:Mera
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| - * A.J.
* Mera
* Proteus
* Thanatos
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| - Dimension Aqua is an otherwordly alien dimension comprised completely of water. It is the birthplace of the future Atlantean queen, Mera. Once, a criminal named Leron seized control of the kingdom, deposing the reigning queen, Mera. Mera is exiled and flees to the Earth dimension where she enlists the aid of Aquaman and Aqualad. Leron pursues Mera to Atlantis and enages in battle with Aquaman, Aqualad, Mera and the water sprite, Quisp. He captures them all and brings them to Mera's homeland. Aquaman discovers that traces of lead commonly found in oil, can remove the hard-water super-powers of people from Mera's home dimension. He makes use of this knowledge and succeeds in defeating Leron. Returning to Earth, Aquaman invites Mera to stay with him in Atlantis.
- Xebel (formerly known as Dimension Aqua) is a dimension made entirely of water, where lives a group of separate Atlanteans. After a rebellion in its Dimension, Mera finds refuge in Atlantis where she becomes Queen. In the DCnU Xebel is located within the Bermuda Triangle.
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