Goblin Zombies are the unfortunate victims of the three pygmy shamans living within Oostan[[:File:|[, ]]] atop the Lost Peak on the Lost Isles. The zombies shamble their way through all of Oostan, including the perimeter of the camps. They can also be found shuffling their way toward the Town-In-A-Box after the quest Oomlot Dealt With.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Goblin Zombies are the unfortunate victims of the three pygmy shamans living within Oostan[[:File:|[, ]]] atop the Lost Peak on the Lost Isles. The zombies shamble their way through all of Oostan, including the perimeter of the camps. They can also be found shuffling their way toward the Town-In-A-Box after the quest Oomlot Dealt With.
| - 4(xsd:integer)
- 7(xsd:integer)
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fr name
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es lore
| - Cuando esta carta inflige daño de batalla a tu adversario: manda al Cementerio la carta superior de su Deck. Cuando esta carta es mandada al Cementerio desde el Campo: añade a tu mano, desde tu Deck, 1 monstruo de Tipo Zombi con 1200 DEF o menos.
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Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - ①:このカードが相手に戦闘ダメージを与えた場合に発動する。相手のデッキの一番上のカードを墓地へ送る。②:このカードがフィールドから墓地へ送られた場合に発動する。デッキから守備力1200以下のアンデット族モンスター1体を手札に加える。
it lore
| - Quando questa carta infligge danno da combattimento al tuo avversario: manda la prima carta del suo Deck al Cimitero. Quando questa carta viene mandata dal Terreno al Cimitero: aggiungi 1 mostro di Tipo Zombie con DEF di 1200 o inferiore dal tuo Deck alla tua mano.
pt name
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| - When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: Send the top card of their Deck to the Graveyard. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: Add 1 Zombie-Type monster with 1200 or less DEF from your Deck to your hand.
pt lore
| - Quando este card causar dano de batalha ao seu oponente: envie o card do topo do Deck dele para o Cemitério. Quando este card for enviado do campo para o Cemitério: adicione 1 monstro do Tipo Zumbi com 1200 ou menos de DEF do seu Deck à sua mão.
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de lore
| - Wenn diese Karte deinem Gegner Kampfschaden zufügt: Lege die oberste Karte seines Decks auf den Friedhof. Wenn diese Karte vom Spielfeld auf den Friedhof gelegt wird: Füge deiner Hand 1 Monster vom Typ Zombie mit 1200 oder weniger DEF von deinem Deck hinzu.
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wc6 sets
| - Game Gift Collection
Zombie Collection
All Effect Monsters
All at Random
fr lore
| - Lorsque cette carte inflige des dommages de combat à votre adversaire : envoyez la carte du dessus de son Deck au Cimetière. Lorsque cette carte est envoyée depuis le Terrain au Cimetière : ajoutez 1 monstre de Type Zombie avec max. 1200 DEF depuis votre Deck à votre main.
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Ja Name
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| - * Sends from your opponent's Deck to your opponent's Graveyard
* Adds from Deck to hand
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| - Goblin Zombies are the unfortunate victims of the three pygmy shamans living within Oostan[[:File:|[, ]]] atop the Lost Peak on the Lost Isles. The zombies shamble their way through all of Oostan, including the perimeter of the camps. They can also be found shuffling their way toward the Town-In-A-Box after the quest Oomlot Dealt With.