| - Kaurig was born to Petro and Audril Caalim in 572 ABY. He was raised in the heights of upper Coruscant and led a comfortable childhood in a sparkling flat that spiked up into the planet's exosphere. His only regret was that for most of his childhood his father was away at war. Petro Caalim had from a young age been a Flight Officer in the Neo-Imperial Navy. He was the commanding officer of the Assailant-class warcruiser Defenestration. Unbeknown to the growing Kaurig on Coruscant, his father's battleship headed up the 347th Sector Fleet, the most decorated naval unit in the Neo-Imperial Navy. Petro's involvement in the Second Yuuzhan Vong Uprising proved instrumental to an Imperial victory. Only six months after Zonama Sekot had been glassed, marking the Uprising's end, another rebellion flared up on Kessel, the bloody conflict that would come to be known as the Xenos Revolution. The Yuuzhan Vong rebel remnants had enlisted other alien species to their cause, and they were once more challenging Humans for supremacy. Petro was called away again, but this time he would not return. Defenestration was infiltrated by a group of Anzati assassins thirty-six hours before it was to engage the Xenos fleet at Kessel. They breached the bridge, pinned Petro to the cold durasteel floor, and sucked the soup of out his body while he was still alive. They then overloaded the flagship's reactor and evacuated before it imploded. The loss of Flight Officer Caalim and Defenestration would backfire on the Xenos. The Neo-Imperial fleet, spurred into ferocity by the brutal assassination of its commander, arrived early and routed the Xenos 14th Space Corps, then Base Delta Zeroed Kessel into a chunk of charred radioactive waste. Still, not everyone was heartened by Petro's death. His widow Audril, upon hearing the news, calmly walked off the patio of their apartment, falling several thousand miles to her death. Her body was never recovered. Because Petro had been a military officer, custody of young Kaurig passed directly to the state. Kaurig was placed into an accelerated military prodigy program for prospective officers and upon graduation was inducted directly into the Neoimperial Fleet Academy on the industrial ecumenopolis of Manaan.