| - The Virginian dollar is the currency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. One Virginian Dollar is divided into 10 dimes, 100 cents, or 1000 mills. This decimalization was proposed by Thomas Jefferson, along with the Virginian System of Measurements. The decimalized dollar was established by the Virginian Currency Act, which also defined the new dollar in terms of the previous £sd units (to facilitate conversion of accounts) as follows:
* 1 pound = $3.38
* 1 shilling = 168 mills
* 1 penny = 14 mills
* 1 farthing = 3½ mills The dollar was defined as being 650 minims (371.54 grains, 24.08 grams) of fine silver or 728 minims of standard silver. Initially, the coins established ranged from a copper coin of 1 mill up to a gold coin of $10
* Copper
* 1 mill
* 2 mills
* Half-cent
* Cent
* Silver
* Quarter-dime - later replaced by a nickle 2½-cent
* Half-dime - later replaced by a nickle 5-cent
* Dime
* Quarter-dollar
* Half-dollar
* Dollar
* Gold
* Dollar
* Quarter-eagle ($2½)
* Half-eagle ($5)
* Eagle ($10) Modern currency
* Coins
* 1 cent ("penny")
* 2 cents ("nickle") - "nickle" originally referred to the nickle 2½ cent coin
* 5 cents ("fish") - nickname is short for "fishscale", old slang for, initially, the quarter-dime, and then the half-dime after the nickle was introduced
* Dime
* Quarter dollar
* Half dollar
* $1
* $2
* Banknotes
* $5
* $10
* $20
* $50
* $100