| - Licencieux ("promiscuous" in french) is the unique Discipline of the Duchagne bloodline. It draws forth the vices of mortals, allowing the Duchagne to find companions as depraved and indulgent as themselves. Les arts licencieux, described in modern nights as Licencieux, grant the power to warp the perceptions and emotions of humans, altering their behavior by causing wondrous and fantastic illusions. It is practiced by the Duchagne bloodline, a charming lineage of French Daeva. This discipline is described in detail in Bloodlines: The Chosen
- There are moments when one catches just the slightest hint of a scent, or hears a faint sound in which forgotten memories drift closer to the present. Though rarely clear, they can offer a sense of the familiar, the safe warmth of a childhood moment, or the creeping dread of a forgotten fear. With but a glance at a person, the Duchagne may inspire this feeling. Cost: None Action: Instant Roll: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Licencieux – Target’s Composure Failure: The target feels nothing, and the character may not use this against the target for the rest of the scene.
| - There are moments when one catches just the slightest hint of a scent, or hears a faint sound in which forgotten memories drift closer to the present. Though rarely clear, they can offer a sense of the familiar, the safe warmth of a childhood moment, or the creeping dread of a forgotten fear. With but a glance at a person, the Duchagne may inspire this feeling. These memories need not be known to the Kindred; although, he must decide what emotion he wishes to inspire. With a successful application of this power, the target automatically associates a sound, smell or other sense with a past memory tied to the determined emotion. While some Duchagne use this to manipulate the emotions of their protégées towards their own perverse enjoyment, many others find that the emotions inspired with Intime gives the vitae an added spice. Cost: None Action: Instant Roll: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Licencieux – Target’s Composure Dramatic Failure: The vampire using this becomes reminded of some potent loss in his past, losing a Point of Willpower. The Duchagne may also not use this power against the target for the rest of the night. Failure: The target feels nothing, and the character may not use this against the target for the rest of the scene. Success: The target has a momentary flash of memory, either good or bad. This adds a + 1 modifier in any roll to manipulate the target, but only in a manner befitting the type of memory stirred. Exceptional Success: The target has a flash of memory so intense that it momentarily distracts them. This levies a -2 to the target’s Initiative Modifier as well as the +1 bonus to manipulate the target.
- Licencieux ("promiscuous" in french) is the unique Discipline of the Duchagne bloodline. It draws forth the vices of mortals, allowing the Duchagne to find companions as depraved and indulgent as themselves. Les arts licencieux, described in modern nights as Licencieux, grant the power to warp the perceptions and emotions of humans, altering their behavior by causing wondrous and fantastic illusions. It is practiced by the Duchagne bloodline, a charming lineage of French Daeva. This discipline is described in detail in Bloodlines: The Chosen