| - Katjas großer Tag ist da. Ein kleines Geschenk von Ben gibt ihr neue Kraft, und sie beschließt, den Sprung in ihre Kür einzubauen, den sie noch nie gestanden hat: den dreifachen Toeloop! Als ihre Stunde schlägt, ist sie hoch konzentriert und läuft die Kür ihres Lebens. Für alle steht fest: Katja muss zur Deutsche Meisterin gekürt werden. Doch dann macht Meyerhoff seine Drohung wahr. Marian unterdrückt seine Enttäuschung, als Jessica seinen Heiratsantrag nicht annimmt. Jessica spürt Marians Verletztheit und sie versucht ihm zu zeigen, dass sie auch ohne Trauschein glücklich sein können. Doch als sie damit keinen Erfolg hat, sucht sie das Gespräch und macht Marian unverhofft wieder glücklich.
- Lamar shows up at the jail and sees Quentin standing over Mildred's body. He is convinced Quentin killed her with witchcraft and vows to have him destroyed. At Collinwood, Daphne rushes into the drawing room and finds Gerard. Daphne is disgusted with the fact Gerard is now the master of Collinwood, but Gerard attempts to explain himself. He promises her that once Quentin is freed, he will leave Collinsport forever. However, when he does, he tells Daphne he is taking her with him. Daphne scoffs at the notion, but Desmond walks in and tells Gerard that Samantha has ordered Gerard to stay away from Tad at all times, now that he is next in line for the family fortune. Lamar shows up and informs them that Mildred is dead and Quentin is responsible.
| - Lamar shows up at the jail and sees Quentin standing over Mildred's body. He is convinced Quentin killed her with witchcraft and vows to have him destroyed. At Collinwood, Daphne rushes into the drawing room and finds Gerard. Daphne is disgusted with the fact Gerard is now the master of Collinwood, but Gerard attempts to explain himself. He promises her that once Quentin is freed, he will leave Collinsport forever. However, when he does, he tells Daphne he is taking her with him. Daphne scoffs at the notion, but Desmond walks in and tells Gerard that Samantha has ordered Gerard to stay away from Tad at all times, now that he is next in line for the family fortune. Lamar shows up and informs them that Mildred is dead and Quentin is responsible. Desmond refuses to believe anything Lamar says and goes to the jail to see Quentin, and Daphne doesn't believe him as well. Desmond promises to return to talk to Daphne once he has finished visiting Quentin. Back in the drawing room, Gerard tells Lamar he is going to try to calm the notions that there is witchcraft being practiced at Collinwood. At the jail, Desmond tells Quentin that an autopsy is being performed on Mildred. He believes that all the evidence is circumstantial, and he will be released the next day. Back at Collinwood, Lamar asks Gerard if Quentin had anything to do with Daniel's death, but Gerard says he died of a heart attack. Daniel's funeral will be held tomorrow, but Gerard says he won't be able to attend. Lamar points out that in addition to the funeral, he will have Quentin convicted of witchcraft. Lamar says that wherever his father is, he will be smiling. Desmond returns to Collinwood and tells Daphne that he is certain Quentin will be freed the next day. The news excites her, but Desmond also feels that whoever is plotting against Quentin won't stop. Daphne thinks Gerard is up to something, and Desmond reveals he has the same suspicions about him. Desmond asks Daphne to keep an eye on Gerard from now on, and she agrees. Unknown to Desmond or Daphne, Lamar is eavesdropping on the entire conversation. Later that night, Lamar informs Gerard that Desmond and Daphne are plotting against him. Gerard thanks him and says he plans to take care of Daphne. After Lamar leaves, Gerard forces Daphne to have another dream. In her dream, there are candles placed all over the foyer at Collinwood, and Daphne appears in a wedding dress. She slowly walks down the stairs and finds Gerard waiting for her. The embrace and Gerard says he plans to marry her and take her away forever. They kiss again and the dream ends. When Daphne wakes up, she runs out of her room and finds Gerard waiting for her in the hallway. Gerard claims that Daphne was "calling for him," but she doesn't believe him. He invites her to have a drink with him to get her to relax, but she refuses and slams the door in his face. The next morning, Desmond pleads with Judge Wiley at the courthouse to free Quentin due to lack of evidence in Randall's death. The judge agrees to drop the murder charge against Quentin in Randall's death, much to Quentin's delight, but the judge says he is "not completely free." Lamar then walks in and hands the judge deposition papers implicating Quentin in Mildred's murder. Desmond thinks it's outrageous, but the judge agrees to take Lamar's claims into consideration. Later that day, a crying Daphne visits Quentin in his jail cell. He tries to calm her down, but to no avail. Finally in the late afternoon, the judge announces that Quentin has been charged with witchcraft and will be sentenced to beheading if he is found guilty.
- Katjas großer Tag ist da. Ein kleines Geschenk von Ben gibt ihr neue Kraft, und sie beschließt, den Sprung in ihre Kür einzubauen, den sie noch nie gestanden hat: den dreifachen Toeloop! Als ihre Stunde schlägt, ist sie hoch konzentriert und läuft die Kür ihres Lebens. Für alle steht fest: Katja muss zur Deutsche Meisterin gekürt werden. Doch dann macht Meyerhoff seine Drohung wahr. Marian unterdrückt seine Enttäuschung, als Jessica seinen Heiratsantrag nicht annimmt. Jessica spürt Marians Verletztheit und sie versucht ihm zu zeigen, dass sie auch ohne Trauschein glücklich sein können. Doch als sie damit keinen Erfolg hat, sucht sie das Gespräch und macht Marian unverhofft wieder glücklich.