| - Ability score generation in Darelth is done using a 32-point buy using the following schedules. Racial adjustments are applied after the ability score is purchased.
- There are six ability scores. Ability scores are based on a range from 3 (low) to 18 (high).
- Ability Scores, sometimes referred as attribute scores are what determine a creature’s mental and physical attributes, they’re crucial to player characters since they’re one of the main factors to determine whether the characters may dual class as well as contribute to various bonus scaling, but they matter much less to NPC/enemies because a large portion of the actual combat status of these creatures are based on enemy specific effects and equipment which can’t be dropped. For player characters, there’re many ways to alter the scores, some are permanent such as reading , consuming Tears of Bhaal, drawing Deck of Many Things or operating Lum’s Machine; More are temporary, which are granted by spells, potions or equipment. If any of the ability scores be reduced to less than 1, the creature will be killed.