| - Combined Intelligence, Section 6 or CI6, is the United Kingdom of Wessex and Cornwall's single counter intelligence, foreign intelligence and security agency. It was formed under a almagation of the intelligence agencies, of the Secret Service (CI7) and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), and is now the only intelligence force in the country. Its remit includes the protection of Wessex and Cornish parliamentary direct democracy democracy and environemental and economic interests, counter-terrorism and counter-espionage, aswell as abroad. However it must maintain Pacifism.
| - Combined Intelligence, Section 6 or CI6, is the United Kingdom of Wessex and Cornwall's single counter intelligence, foreign intelligence and security agency. It was formed under a almagation of the intelligence agencies, of the Secret Service (CI7) and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), and is now the only intelligence force in the country. Its remit includes the protection of Wessex and Cornish parliamentary direct democracy democracy and environemental and economic interests, counter-terrorism and counter-espionage, aswell as abroad. However it must maintain Pacifism. The service's national headquarters is located at the CI6 Headquarters in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire in Wessex since the late 1990's. However, it also maintains several sites across the country, including the Communications Earth Station at Bude, Cornwall. CI6 also launched a signals intelligence satellite, COMBINESAT, in 2013 using Wessex and Cornwall's own launch program, the Wyvern-II.