| - Quest Enemies are Quest related enemies in Xenoblade Chronicles. They must be defeated in order to complete a quest. Quest Enemies can be normal minor enemies as well as Unique Monsters. Defeating one or several precise enemies may be required in order to complete a "Monster Quest" type or a "Challenge" type quest. This request may also be ordered by a , during a Story Quest event or during a Surprise Quest event. Some Quest Enemies are Quest Exclusive, they are one-of-a-kind and exclusively appear during a related Quest. They can only be defeated once per playthrough. A few of them are Story Exclusive Enemies or Bosses during Story Quest events, except one Boss during a Surprise Quest. There 208 Quest Enemies including 49 Unique Monsters. There are 78 Quest Exclusive Enemies including 8 Quest Exclusive Unique Monsters, 5 Quest Exclusive Bosses consisting of 4 Story Quest related and 1 Surprise Quest related Bosses, 11 Story Exclusive Enemies, 1 being related to the Save the Worker, 1 to the Lift Battle 4 to the Fiora's Conviction, 1 to the The Magma Rock, 3 to the Materials for a Bomb and 1 to the Save Bionis Story Quests.