The Persuader is a Normal two-handed mace in Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. It requires character level 70 to be used.
The Persuader is a member of the Fatal Five and a mortal enemy of the Legion of Superheroes. His axe can cut through anything, even Superman's flesh.
The Persuader was first crafted by a blacksmith who was having trouble collecting payments for weapons and armor that were purchased from him. After he let the Persuader "talk" to the clients, they paid up quickly.
The Persuader is a Nerf blaster that was released in spring of 2016 under the DoomLands 2169 series. It is a Target exclusive in the United States. It comes packaged with four DoomLands Darts and instructions.
Persuader is an item that Ratchet and Clank got after trading Raritanium with Fred in season 1 of Ratchet and Clank: The televison series. It allows the user to obtain weapon-cost discounts at Gadgetron Vendors. It's original use was to control minds.
The Persuader is a villain from the 31st century and an enemy of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
The Persuader was a 30th century supervillain and member of the Fatal Five. This article is a stub. You can help the DC Animated Universe Wiki by [ expanding it].
Persuader on esine, jolla saa alennusta kaikista Gadgetronin aseista, joita myydään pelin kaupoissa. Sen saa Pokitarulta antamalla sukeltajalle Raritaniumia.