| - Basically, chainsaws are good. Good here having the meaning of "totally unstoppable weapons of mass destruction." Nothing can stand before their roaring, multi-toothed might; only death awaits any who challenge a chainsaw-wielding maniac. A common way of playing with this trope is to make a chainsaw part of a Swiss Army Weapon. See also Vibroweapon, Deadly Disc, Rule of Cool, Awesome but Impractical. Compare An Axe to Grind and Sinister Scythe, where other gardening/logging implements are used as weapons. Examples of Chainsaw Good include:
| - Basically, chainsaws are good. Good here having the meaning of "totally unstoppable weapons of mass destruction." Nothing can stand before their roaring, multi-toothed might; only death awaits any who challenge a chainsaw-wielding maniac. A favorite tool of horror villains and zombie hunters alike, where they're typically swung like swords. While cool, there are good reasons the chainsaw is not exactly the first choice among melee weapons in the real world; chainsaws are heavy and hard to swing with any degree of finesse, have poor reach compared to their weight, require fuel or an external power source, make a lot of noise, and will tear through the person wielding them just as cheerfully as the intended victim. Chainsaws are also prone to a phenomenon called "kickback" where one tooth of the blade contacts something without cutting it and the resulting shock throws the blade backwards violently, often right at the unfortunate operator's head; obviously, this is all the more likely to happen when they're being used as a weapon. The chain also runs the danger of snapping and whipping the user in the process. Fictional chainsaws also have the ability to start instantly, with one pull of the starter handle, unlike in Real Life where they require several pulls and most models will need to warm up for at least 30 seconds or they'll immediately die when you try to cut something. Most Real Life chainsaws also dull in seconds if they touch anything harder than wood. Finally, running out of fuel or suffering a broken chain or clutch will leave the erstwhile chainsaw maniac holding a big, unwieldy and rather useless club. A common way of playing with this trope is to make a chainsaw part of a Swiss Army Weapon. See also Vibroweapon, Deadly Disc, Rule of Cool, Awesome but Impractical. Compare An Axe to Grind and Sinister Scythe, where other gardening/logging implements are used as weapons. While the trope name refers to chainsaws, it has mutated to include the use of circular saws and even lawnmowers as well. Both of these obviously have similar problems to chainsaws when it comes to use as weapons. Examples of Chainsaw Good include: