| - Kokoa Shuzen (Koko in the English manga), is the younger half-sister of Moka Akashiya and is a major antagonist turned anti-heroine in the manga/anime series Rosario + Vampire. She arrives as a first-year student to Yōkai Academy. Like her sister, Kokoa is also a vampire, but her powers are not sealed. Being younger, Kokoa is not as strong as 'sealed' Moka, but in spite of this she is able to carry the Transformer bat, named Batty, which she was going to give Moka for her tenth birthday. It was too heavy for Moka (about 200 lbs), so Moka passed it up. Kokoa kept it, and is able to wield it herself with enough strength to make herself formidable.
- Kokoa Shuzen est la jeune sœur de Moka Akashiya qui rejoignit le Lycée Yokai un an après sa sœur.. Elle est en outre la propriétaire de Koumori Nazo, la chauve souris qui est le narrateur de l'anime.
- Kokoa Shuzen (朱染心爱"Shuzen Kokoa") ist die jüngere Halbschwester von Moka Akashiya. Sie jagt die "nette" Moka durch die ganze Serie, da sie an ihrer älteren Schwester, der Vampirin Moka, so hängt. Deshalb versucht sie alles um die grausame und starke Vampirin zu befreien.
- Introduced in the second manga serialization and anime adaptation, Kokoa Shuzen (朱染 心愛 Shuzen Kokoa?) (Koko Shuzen and Koko in the English translated manga by the Shonen Jump Manga company) is the youngest sister out of the four sisters. She arrives as a first-year student to Yōkai Academy. Like her sister, Kokoa is also a vampiress, but her powers are not sealed. Being younger, Kokoa is not as strong as the 'sealed' Inner Moka, but in spite of this she is able to carry the Transformer Bat, named Kou (also named Koumori Nazo and Kou-Buddy (Kou-buddy being the English dub version of "Kō-chan"), which she was going to give to Moka for her tenth birthday. It was too heavy for Moka and passed it up. Kokoa kept it, and is able to wield it herself with enough strength to make herself formidable.
- Kokoa Shuzen is a major antagonist turned anti-hero in the manga/anime series Rosario + Vampire. She had debuted in the second manga serialization and anime adaptation. She is the younger half-sister of Moka Akashiya who hates Moka for sealing away her inner personality, whom she adores and loves. Her villainous traits are ranked up considerably in the anime, with her outright despising Outer Moka and having a deep envy for Tsukune.