| - Turles' name is a pun on the vegetable "lettuce". The name is written out as ターレス, Tāresu. If the first two syllables are rearranged, it becomes レタース, retāsu. Ignoring the elongated "a" sound, it becomes the accurate Japanese spelling of "lettuce", レタス retasu.
- Turles (ターレス, Tāresu; lit. "Tullece") is a space-pirate Saiyan who was once a member of the Saiyan Army under the Galactic Frieza Army, but he went defunct and off into the cosmos to conquer planets for himself with his group of henchmen known as the Turles Crusher Corps. He is the main antagonist of the movie Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might.
- Turles is een saiyan (hij heeft ook de ontploffing van de planeet Vegeta overleeft) en de hoofdvijand in DBZ-film 3.
- Turles, also known as Tullece, is the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball Z film, The Tree of Might. He is a Saiyan warrior who bears a striking resemblance to Goku, but is his polar opposite and his alternate version of what if Goku didn't had a nasty bump on his head and kept his Saiyan characteristics forever.
- Espécie:Saiyajin (Puro) Família: Amond (Escudeiro),Lakasei (Escudeiro),Daiz (Escudeiro),Cacao (Escudeiro), Rasin (Escudeiro). Turles (ターレス Tāresu; Tullece) é um Saiyajin que já foi um membro do Exército Saiyan no âmbito da organização de comércio planeta, mas foi extinta e fora no cosmos para conquistar planetas para com o seu próprio grupo conhecido como o Crusher Turles Corps.