Tullius was a 24th century Tenaran schoolchild. In the year 2364, during the Federation starship USS Centurion's visit to he planet Tenara, the Magna Romans Marcus Volcinius and Gaius Aldus witnessed Tullius answering a question in a classroom. (TNG novel: The Captains' Honor)
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| - Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiTullius – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Jest generałem i głównodowodzącym Legionu Cesarskiego w krainie Nordów - Skyrim. Sam pochodzi z Cyrodiil. W czasie wojny domowej przebywa w Samotni, w zamku Dour.
- Tullius is een soldaat uit Cyrodiil die naar Skyrim is gezonden door Keizer Titus Mede II,om de Burgeroorlog te stoppen. Tullius wordt als eerste gezien in Helgen waar hij Ulfric Stomcloak veroordeelt. Maar Alduin valt aan en voorkomt dat Ulfric wordt onthoofd en de Stormcloaks ontsnappen.
- Tullius was a 24th century Tenaran schoolchild. In the year 2364, during the Federation starship USS Centurion's visit to he planet Tenara, the Magna Romans Marcus Volcinius and Gaius Aldus witnessed Tullius answering a question in a classroom. (TNG novel: The Captains' Honor)
- The Stygian galley ploughed its way through the rough and stormy night seas west of Argos. The slaves toiled below deck to the beat of the Stygian drummer as their muscles strained and whips lashed at their backs. A yell from above was sounded as rain continued to pelt against the deck; the boats scout had sounded a warning as a large Aquilonian military vessel surged towards the slave powered galley. Hearing the cry, whispers spread out among the slaves as those who knew the Stygian language spread the word. Chained to their seats the slaves quickly agreed and pushed their oars backwards slowing the medium sized boat to a crawl. Screaming the Stygian slavers whipped mercilessly at the backs of the slaves as another cry was heard from above. Now at desperation the slave master ran between
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| - The Hyborian Age – Tullius
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| - Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiTullius – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Jest generałem i głównodowodzącym Legionu Cesarskiego w krainie Nordów - Skyrim. Sam pochodzi z Cyrodiil. W czasie wojny domowej przebywa w Samotni, w zamku Dour.
- Tullius is een soldaat uit Cyrodiil die naar Skyrim is gezonden door Keizer Titus Mede II,om de Burgeroorlog te stoppen. Tullius wordt als eerste gezien in Helgen waar hij Ulfric Stomcloak veroordeelt. Maar Alduin valt aan en voorkomt dat Ulfric wordt onthoofd en de Stormcloaks ontsnappen.
- The Stygian galley ploughed its way through the rough and stormy night seas west of Argos. The slaves toiled below deck to the beat of the Stygian drummer as their muscles strained and whips lashed at their backs. A yell from above was sounded as rain continued to pelt against the deck; the boats scout had sounded a warning as a large Aquilonian military vessel surged towards the slave powered galley. Hearing the cry, whispers spread out among the slaves as those who knew the Stygian language spread the word. Chained to their seats the slaves quickly agreed and pushed their oars backwards slowing the medium sized boat to a crawl. Screaming the Stygian slavers whipped mercilessly at the backs of the slaves as another cry was heard from above. Now at desperation the slave master ran between the slaves kicking and punching them at random. Thick beads of sweat dripped across he brow as he glanced back out towards the ocean only to see the Aquilonian War vessel right on their stern. The slave master turned and again started screaming obscenities at the slaves, his eyes wide with fear. Grabbing the hilt of his sword he drew a long curved blade. Grasping the closest slave by the arm, an old Aquilonian man. Screaming, the slaver held his sword aloft. Trying to pull his arm away but unable due to his iron shackles the old man close his eyes and prayed to Mitra for his blessing. Shrieking the slaver slung his sword down at the mans arm, the man yelling for mercy, then a thunderous blow as a cannon blast shot through the Stygian galley, wood cracking and sending splinters flying. Thrown backwards, sword still in hand, the slave master clambered to his feet, cursing in the Stygian language as he grabbed the elderly slave by the jaw. A roar sounded as a large slave dove at the Stygian slaver driving him into the ground. His muscles glistening with sweat and blood as he pummeled the slaver into the deck. A broken chain hung from his shackled wrist as it bled from numerous large splinters. Grabbing the slavers sword from its masters crumpled body the large warrior turned and flung it into the closest slaver, piercing the Stygian’s chest and killing him instantly. Grabbing a large iron key from the deceased guard, the slaves’ newfound hero fought his way past several guards to the rusted main lock holding the slaves to their benches. Brawling with bloody knuckles a slaver cracked his whip at the warrior who caught the studded leather rope and forcefully dragged its owner of his feet right into the warriors opposing fist, shattering his jaw. As the large metal lock was opened the clicking of chains sounded as the joyous slaves dragged themselves free of their seats and hurled themselves on the few fleeing Stygian slavers still on board. Cheering and hoisting their hero aloft they carried him up to the main deck but their celebration was short lived. Another deafening blast was heard as the Aquilonian warship continued to fire upon the Stygian galley. A crucial blow had been dealt to the ship as large amounts of water now poured into the boat. Fleeing for their lives the slaves dived over board, as the hero tried to signal to the Aquilonian boat to cease-fire. Realising his efforts was meaningless he grabbed a large piece of the broken ships bow preparing to jump overboard. As he approached the side his ankle was grasped and he slipped and hit the floor hard. Looking backwards at his assailant it was the bloodied slave master staring back at him with a wicked and toothless grin. Kicking out at the slavers head the hero fought his way free and lifting the large piece of boat wood above his head, he ended the life of the slaver. Another sickening blow was dealt to the ship as a large iron cannon ball tore through the deck only a meter away from the large warrior. Getting thrown back by the force of the blast his head cracked into ships mast, blood trickled down the back of his neck mixing with his sweat. Grasping at the ships deck the warrior dragged himself towards the ships edge, slipping, his eyes squinted shut from the heavy rain lashing at his face he pulled himself free of the ship and landed with a splash in the cold waters below.
- Tullius was a 24th century Tenaran schoolchild. In the year 2364, during the Federation starship USS Centurion's visit to he planet Tenara, the Magna Romans Marcus Volcinius and Gaius Aldus witnessed Tullius answering a question in a classroom. (TNG novel: The Captains' Honor)