- miniatur|T-Shirt, Little Havana, VC Das T-Shirt-Sammelobjekt zeigt ein vereinfachtes T-Shirt, in das man hineinlaufen kann, wenn man sich umziehen möchte. Anschließend wird der Fahndungslevel bei einem und zwei Sternen annulliert. Bei drei und mehr Sternen hat das T-Shirt allerdings keine Wirkung mehr.
- T-shirts are an item of clothing available BTC, and the only item of clothing currently offered in the Garage.
- T-Shirt is a Male armor. It has 26 defense points and 12% evasion probability. It costs ¥ and can be forged with enough .
- Finding it was one of the Three Trials for pirates on Mêlée Island. It read: "I found the Treasure of Mêlée Island and all I got was this stupid T-shirt!"
- The T-Shirt is a basic short sleeve shirt with no discernable markings.
- A piece of miscellaneous clothing which appears in Jagged Alliance 2 and Jagged Alliance: Back in Action.
- The T-Shirt is a type of item.
- The T-Shirt is a type of clothing featured in The Last Stand: Union City and The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- The t-shirt is an item of clothing in the World Championship video games. It can be worn by a female and male player. It can be unlocked in World Championship 2008 by winning 200 Duels.
- insert photo of original t-shirt here.
- The T-Shirt is a type of tops item in Club Penguin Island. All players can obtain the blueprint used to make it by reaching level 1, as part of the Citizen Pack. Members can make this item for 50 coins each.
- A T-shirt, also known as a T shirt or tee, is a style of shirt that is often used for casual wear. It is named as such because of its body and arms bearing the resemblance to the letter "T." It may feature several designer logos and adverts on it.
- A T-shirt is a clothing item that an avatar may wear. It is an exceedingly common (and often undesirable) reward throughout Playstation home.
- T-shirt, the most well-known letter-shirt, comes just before u-shirt and just after s-shirt in the infamous shirt alphabet.
- L'origine étymologique du mot T-Shirt se perd dans la nuit des temps immémoriaux, à cette époque défunte où l'industrie textile occidentale ne reposait pas encore exclusivement sur le bénévolat d'enfants asiatiques, mais bel et bien sur le labeur quotidien d'authentiques artisans bien de chez nous aux mœurs rudes, et au parler franc.
- Before March 2007, T-Shirts could not be created by users. Only ROBLOX could sell T-shirts, and players who contributed to the community (such as MrDoomBringer, who helped maintain the wiki) were rewarded with character customization, such as body part colour and a decal on the torso, which would become T-Shirts. On March 2007, an update was released that allowed players to modify their character, and they could create their own T-Shirts.
- In 1974, Walter Takagi wore a Godzilla T-shirt while in Rome. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1) In 2255, in an alternate reality, Cadet James T. Kirk had an Iowa Hawkeye T-shirt in his possession at Starfleet Academy. The Vulcan cadet T'Laya wore it as a nightshirt on the morning after their first night together. (TOS - Starfleet Academy novel: The Gemini Agent) In 2287, James T. Kirk, while taking shore leave at Yosemite National Park, wore a white T-shirt that had printed in black letters, "Go climb a rock." (TOS movie: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)