There are many different types of Terrain found in SurvivalCraft. It is important that you know all of them, so you can decide where to live, hunt, farm, and keep livestock. Certain amimals and plants are found in different terrain types.
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- There are many different types of Terrain found in SurvivalCraft. It is important that you know all of them, so you can decide where to live, hunt, farm, and keep livestock. Certain amimals and plants are found in different terrain types.
- Smooth terrain is an update to terrain in 2015. It is a type of terrain that has a realistic feel to it, but it isn't blocky, unlike legacy terrain.
- The different types of terrain found throughout the world.
- By default, the Freeciv world is made of squares arranged in a rectangular grid whose north and south (or sometimes east and west) edges end against the polar ice, but whose other two edges connect, forming a cylinder that can be circumnavigated. Other topologies are available as a server option. Each square contains some kind of terrain, and together they form larger features like oceans, continents, and mountain ranges.
- There are many types of terrain in URW such as mountain, forest, marsh and water, with some sub-groups such as mossy and lichenous tiles. Different types of terrain have different properties. A new feature in version 3.12b is the introduction of elevation. While it is not explicitly marked on the wilderness map, some tiles are higher than others.
- This page describes kinds of tiles used to produce . To travel on them, some require special items, such as boots or boats.
- [[Media:Media:Example.ogg[[Media:Media:Example.ogg]]]]
- Terrain is the term used for what the Pokemon in a Dungeon. There are 5 types of terrains possible in a dungeon, however, Water, Lava, and Valleys can't appear in the same dungeon.
- This is a list of Terrain types in the HeroScape universe. See also: Terrain-Influenced Special Abilites
- See for a full list of all terrain types.
- Wände, auch von Spielern, Strukturen
- In Rise of Nations, Terrain refers to the different physical features of the Game Map. Terrain is not only of great strategic value, it's also fundamental in a nation's economy and its possibilities of victory. The frequency, or althogether presence of land, water, or terrain features in any given map depends on the type of map or Scenario being played. The variations in terrain which can be found in the game are the following:
- There are all types of terrain in Pikmin and Pikmin 2. They don't really affect the gameplay, but they do change the atmosphere, and the different types of enemies you may encounter. For example, electricity is far more common in indoor-like terrain. In Pikmin 2, man-made terrain, such as metal or tile, is more common than in Pikmin.
- Battle for Wesnoth is played on a map comprised of connected hexagonal spaces. Each space has certain attributes that define it, in addition to determining its appearance in the game. These attributes, combined with the appearance of the map spaces, create a map's Terrain.
- Ground, is basically either grass or concrete color. It does not hinder movement in any way and is just aesthetically pleasing.
- Terrain is the physical landscape of a province. Each province has a single terrain which is representative of the dominant terrain of the area.
- Some spaces on the map have a terrain type as defined by the color-coded line around the space or spaces. These spaces have effects on gameplay as listed below. Sometimes a colored line will surround multiple spaces. All spaces surrounded by a colored line follow the rules for that terrain type. Examples of the artwork are also listed below. Many map tiles also feature artwork that does not directly affect gameplay. All spaces on a map tile that are not surrounded by a specific colored line as listed here are treated as normal spaces regardless of the artwork.
- When travelling through the lands, it is very important for the adventurer to know the terrain. Each terrain has different advantages and problems, each hinders the traveller in a different way and has its own dangers. Therefore here an overview of the forms of terrain found in the lands.
- Terrain means the physical features of the map: forests, rivers, mountains and water.
- Terrain (地形) is a staple game mechanic of the Fire Emblem series. Terrain is basically the different types of spaces that a character can have their units stand on. Different aspects of Terrain have different effects, some give attacking and defending bonuses to the unit standing on the space while others impair unit movement, and some pieces of Terrain are completely impassable. Most pieces of Terrain occupy a single space on a map, although sometimes a large formation (like a mountain) will cover several spaces, each space being individually classified as a mountain (or in some games 'peak').
- The type of Terrain often influences you ability to hit and dodge the enemy as well as how you can approach them. Master the Terrain and you will be one step closer to mastering the battlefield. The Lake terrain is impassable to normal units but you can go through it if you have the Flying skill.
- Terrain or also called region, is any *.lvl file (the level) which represents an overworld level. A terrain size could varring form 32x32 meters to 256x256 meter.
- The Terrain is the static, unmovable ground where your feet are firmly and safely placed. The terrain has different layout according to the theme of the level.
- Terrain is a mechanic in which gameplay on Zones of the playing field is affected by the area of land they cover, usually by granting a Field Power Bonus. In the manga and anime this concept was used during the Duelist Kingdom tournament. In is also used in some video games. This concept is not used in the OCG/TCG, although a number of Field Spell Cards are based on it. In Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories, Field Spell Cards create terrains that increase or decrease a monster's ATK and DEF by 500. Depending on the location, a terrain may already be in place.
- thumbLe Terrain est l'union des tapis de jeu de deux joueurs. Chaque joueur doit posséder sa propre zone de duel (il n'est pas obligatoire de posséder un tapis de jeu) ou plus exactement sa propre moitié de Terrain.Chaque moitié étant découpée en six zones distinctes : [1] - Zone Carte Monstre où seront joués les monstres face recto et verso, [2] - Zone Carte Magie & Piège où seront joués et activés les différents cartes de Magies et de Pièges, [3] - Cimetière où sont placées les cartes détruites et défaussées, [4] - Zone Deck où doit être placé face verso les Decks des joueurs respectifs, [5] - Zone Carte Terrain où seront posées ou activées les Cartes Magies de Terrain, [6] - Zone Extra Deck où doit être placé face verso l'Extra Deck (anciennement appelé Deck Fusion). Dans les jeux vidéo
- 1.Planets Types: There are 13 different types of planets in the Star Wars Combine all of which are between 5x5 and 20x20 in size 2.Planetary Maps: Each planet is a grid of various terrains. 3.Each planet is assigned a grid that will act as a map. The grid size varies based on the size of the planet. The smallest planet has a 5x5 grid, the largest a 20x20 grid. All grids are square, that means that the lengths of the x and y sides of the grid will always be the same. Each grid square is assigned a topographical description from this list: 4.Terrains and Cities: 5.Terrains and Raw Material Deposits
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| - Water - No one in Ultima II knows how to swim except the sea monsters. You can only cross water with a frigate, or pass over it by air.
Grass - No problems moving on grass, but don't expect it to save you from starvation. Your character is assumed to be humanoid, not bovine.
Swamp - You'll have trouble making it through a swamp if you're low on hit points. You lose points with every step.
Forest -Sometimes there are more monsters in forests, hiding behind trees. But they're pretty trees and give nice shade.
Mountains - The mountains are insurmountable even for the most hardy adventurer.
- GRASS: The smoothest and easiest to travel on, the lush grass of Britannia serves to fatten its herds. One may be pass here with any impediment.
BRUSH: Low scrub growth and bushes will hinder thy progress, permitting thy party to move but at three quarters if thy normal speed. Fine tinder for campfires may be found at the base of larger scrubs.
FOREST: The going is slow through dense woods, with thy speed cut fully in half. The oak so dearly loved by the Druids predominates here, along with healthy growths of Ash and Beech. There is quite a lack of visibility in the forest regions.
HILLS: Hilly terrain, much favored by those who raise sheep, will slow thee down considerable, so much so that none but the sure-footed mountain goat can move at more than a snail's pace.
MARSH: The marshes and fens are particularly treacherous and should be avoided at all costs. While progress is only slowed to half one's normal pace by the muck underfoot, the marshes give off poisonous gases which can severely harm members of the party.
MOUNTAINS: Mountaineering is not a well-known skill in Britannia, so the mountains are closed to the normal traveler. There is also a lack of visibility over the mountains.
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