| - El cuatrocientos sesenta y uno (461) es el número natural que sigue al 460 y precede al 462. Categoría:Números
- At Collinwood in the present day, the members of the seance (Barnabas Collins, Dr. Hoffman, Roger Collins, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, and Carolyn Stoddard) stare motionless at Phyllis Wick in the drawing room. ...convicted of witchcraft and sentenced to hang. And now two moments in time are parallel, during one tick of a clock in 1968 months have passed in 1795. Now only seconds remain.
- Juli leidet immer noch unter der Trennung von Oliver. Ein neuer Plan muss her und so sorgt Maximilian geschickt dafür, dass Juli denken muss, Oliver habe sich mit Constanze über sie hinweggetröstet. Ist Maximilian nun am Ziel seiner Pläne? Richard und Nadjas Geschäftsreise endet dank einer Autopanne früher als erwartet auf einer Landstraße mitten im Nirgendwo. Unterdessen sorgt sich Marian, weil er Nadja nicht erreichen kann. Ein aufziehendes Gewitter lässt Richard und Nadja Unterschlupf in einer kleinen Hütte suchen - werden die beiden ihre Gefühle im Griff haben? Als Zoé abhaut, macht sich Ingo schuldbewusst auf die Suche nach seiner Tochter - vergebens. Erst die zurückkehrende Annette kann Ingo etwas beruhigen und sorgt dafür, dass Celine informiert wird. Ingo bleibt nicht mehr, als zu
| - Juli leidet immer noch unter der Trennung von Oliver. Ein neuer Plan muss her und so sorgt Maximilian geschickt dafür, dass Juli denken muss, Oliver habe sich mit Constanze über sie hinweggetröstet. Ist Maximilian nun am Ziel seiner Pläne? Richard und Nadjas Geschäftsreise endet dank einer Autopanne früher als erwartet auf einer Landstraße mitten im Nirgendwo. Unterdessen sorgt sich Marian, weil er Nadja nicht erreichen kann. Ein aufziehendes Gewitter lässt Richard und Nadja Unterschlupf in einer kleinen Hütte suchen - werden die beiden ihre Gefühle im Griff haben? Als Zoé abhaut, macht sich Ingo schuldbewusst auf die Suche nach seiner Tochter - vergebens. Erst die zurückkehrende Annette kann Ingo etwas beruhigen und sorgt dafür, dass Celine informiert wird. Ingo bleibt nicht mehr, als zu hoffen...
- El cuatrocientos sesenta y uno (461) es el número natural que sigue al 460 y precede al 462. Categoría:Números
- At Collinwood in the present day, the members of the seance (Barnabas Collins, Dr. Hoffman, Roger Collins, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, and Carolyn Stoddard) stare motionless at Phyllis Wick in the drawing room. ...convicted of witchcraft and sentenced to hang. And now two moments in time are parallel, during one tick of a clock in 1968 months have passed in 1795. Now only seconds remain. Victoria Winters is led to the gallows, and as the noose is put around her head, and a hood is placed over her head, she hears in her mind the voice of Peter Bradford telling her that he will somehow find her again. One woman still stands at the gallows, her death nearer and nearer; and two moments in time are parallel, and the great clock suddenly starts again. The members of the seance stare in horror and disbelief for where Victoria Winters sat there is a stranger who was on her way to this estate 170 years ago. A stranger to all except one man who lived then as well as now. The people in the drawing room in 1968 become unfrozen. Roger runs to the foyer looking for Victoria but can't find her. Barnabas stares at Phyllis asking her why she is here. In 1795, the executioner releases the rope and the woman in the hood is hanged. In 1968, Phyllis Wick grabs her neck and screams, finally collapsing onto the floor. In 1795, the executioner removes the hood from the hanged woman, and it is not Victoria. In 1968, Victoria is on the floor screaming. She is carried to the couch, and Julia starts to examine her. When Elizabeth tells Roger to call a doctor, Julia reveals that she is a doctor. Victoria starts to come to, and when she sees Barnabas, she says that Millicent was right and he isn't dead. Thinking she is still in 1795, Vicki calls Elizabeth "Mrs. Collins". Then she notices the clothes and realizes she is back, that she didn't die. Julia notices the rope burns on Vicki's neck and asks for Roger's help in getting Vicki to her bed where she will give her a sedative. While the others carry Vicki upstairs, Elizabeth confronts Barnabas, accusing him of withholding information. She also notices that the Collins family history book is gone. Julia returns to say Vicki is asking to see Elizabeth. When Elizabeth leaves, Barnabas and Julia have words. Julia mocks him because she finds it interesting that he is not in control of everything and everybody as he usually is. Later in Vicki's room, Julia lies to Elizabeth and says that she came to Collinwood because she was in danger of suffering a nervous breakdown and needed rest. She apologes for her deceit but says she is indeed writing a book. Julia describes the bullet wound and wrapping to Elizabeth estimating that it is a few weeks old. Delirious, Vicki calls out for Peter, saying that Mrs. Collins must save him before he hangs. She remembers hearing his voice at the gallows and remembers the words of the executioner. When she is asked who Peter is, she says she does seem to know someone named Peter, but doesn't remember any more. Barnabas is concerned that Vicki knows too much and appears outside her bedroom window as a bat while the dogs howl. As Vicki sleeps, Elizabeth and Julia go downstairs to report to Roger and Carolyn. Barnabas appears in the room and questions Vicki who reveals vague flashes of memory from the past. Julia returns to find Barnabas in the room and sends him away, harshly, promising not to leave Vicki alone. Vicki begins to realize that she has traveled through time and in desperation asks Julia to help her. Downstairs, Barnabas orders Carolyn to divert Dr. Hoffman so that he may question Vicki alone or she will never speak again.