| - Mastiff is the third and last volume in the Provost's Dog trilogy, published on October 25, 2011. Set in summer of 249 HE, two years after Bloodhound, the story of Mastiff shows Beka as an experienced "Dog".
- Der Mastiff (auch als ,,englische Dogge" bekannt) ist eine anerkannte Hunderasse. Er ist der Vorfahre vieler heutiger Rassen wie z.B. der Deutschen Dogge, des Boxers und der Bulldogge. Es gibt mehrere Varianten des Mastiffs, wie der englische Mastiff, auch einfach Mastiff genannt, oder der Bullmastiff.
- Mastiff is an MT pilot in Armored Core 3.
- Mastiff was a robot from Italy which exclusively entered the Second World Championship, broadcast as part of the first series of Robot Wars Extreme and Season 1 of Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors. It lost in the first round after being flipped by Chaos 2 and pushed into the pit by Manta.
- The Mastiff is an Imperial Army/Imperial-type enemy in Final Fantasy XII. They are located in every Archadian structure in the game. They are dogs under the control of Imperial Soldiers. There are three different models for the mastiff, one for every location it is found in: in the Dreadnought Leviathan, they wear brown armor; in Draklor Laboratory, they wear grey armor; in the Sky Fortress Bahamut, they look more like wolves (with a shorter tail) and wear green armor.
- Mastiffs are a breed of canine found primarily in Gilneas. Several mobs that once used the hyena model have been updated to use the new mastiff model in Cataclysm, such as the various hounds employed by the Scarlet Crusade. They are Distinguishable by enormous size, massive head, and a limited range of colors, but always displaying a black mask, the Mastiff is noted for its gentle and loving nature.
- Name: Mastiff Species: Dog Lifespan: Unknown Location: Unknown
- thumb|326pxDie Mastiffs sind extra in Gilneas gezüchtete Hunde. Sie halfen den Menschen indem sie die Worgen aufspürten und verscheuchten, oder sie angriffen, denn sie sind gegen den Fluch immun. Später, als die Worgen vernünftig wurden, kämpften auch die Mastiffs mit ihnen zusammen. Auch haben sie das Hyänen-Modell vieler Hunde ersetzt, wie etwa im scharlachroten Kloster.
- He was the mastiff who exchanged a boar for Kyōshirō and his siblings. The mother gladly accepts the offer and gives him the pups. He wasn't seen since.
- In 2016, Samuel Rodrigues, during his raid at the HQ building for World Marshal, encountered several Mastiffs during this time. In 2018, several Mastiffs were assigned to Abkhazia to aid in the Abkhazian Coup. However, thanks to Mistral's machinations against fellow Desperado ally Khamsin, the Mastiffs were all destroyed by the then-AWOL LQ-84i, which ironically led to Maverick's mission against Desperado being made a lot easier.
- The pitbull of the sky looks as mad as a mule chewing on bumblebees. During the Principality Wars, the Commonwealth churned out Mastiffs by the thousands in a desperate attempt to survive. Their plan worked but very few of these work horses survived.
- Mastiff era un tipo de arte no tripulados desplegados en 2018. Humanoide en la naturaleza, se había corpulento y sus manos escondidas en la armadura, con Browning M2HB torres en sus muñecas. También son capaces de puñetazos a un enemigo en el suelo, poner un enemigo en un solo dominio brazo y, si todo lo demás falla, haciendo una patada voladora con ambos pies para golpear al enemigo. Fueron diseñados para reemplazar a la infantería en las guerras de la próxima generación.thumb|Un Mastiff