Illumina (ビッグ・ジ・イルミナ Biggu ji Irumina?, roughly "Big D/G/the Illumina") is a giant Reploid sub-boss from Mega Man X6. The project for Illumina's construction was suspended, but Infinity Mijinion proceeded with its construction in Mega Man X6. Illumina came under the influence of the Nightmare. When X or Zero enter the Weapons Facility, they are attacked by Illumina.
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- Illumina
- Illumina
- Illumina
| - Illumina (ビッグ・ジ・イルミナ Biggu ji Irumina?, roughly "Big D/G/the Illumina") is a giant Reploid sub-boss from Mega Man X6. The project for Illumina's construction was suspended, but Infinity Mijinion proceeded with its construction in Mega Man X6. Illumina came under the influence of the Nightmare. When X or Zero enter the Weapons Facility, they are attacked by Illumina.
- Illumina (イルミナ Irumina?) is a character in Sonic Shuffle. She is the Goddess of Dreams, the guardian angel of Maginaryworld and the protector of the Precioustone. When Illumina lost faith in herself, she split into two separate beings: Lumina Flowlight and Void. These two would subsequently battle one another until they reunited and brought back Illumina.
- Illumina is a powerful entity who rules over the mystical Maginary World, the birthplace of all dreams. Despite her great power, however, Illumina began to lose faith in herself, which resulted in her splitting into two beings representing the different sides of her nature: the benevolent Lumina and the villainous Void. Void set out to dominate Maginaryworld, shattering the Master Precioustone in order to use the power of its fragments. Fortunately, he was thwarted with Lumina called upon Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies for help. The Precioustone was soon restored, and Illumina returned as Lumina and Void were reunited. (StH: #92, CSE)
- Illumina is a classmate of Jean Minakaze, and if Jean has his way, something more. Aaaaaww yeeeah.
- Illumina (イルミナ Irumina?) – postać pojawiająca się w grze Sonic Shuffle. Jest bóstwem, które włada światem snów znanym jako Maginaryworld, oraz chroni Precioustone. Kiedy Illumina straciła w siebie wiarę została rozdzielona na dwie istoty: Luminę i Voida. Ostatecznie Sonic i jego przyjaciele pomogli przywrócić ją do normalnego stanu.
- [[Bild:Illumina FFX.jpg|280px|right|thumb|Illumina während Yunas Besegnung in Kilika]] Illumina (engl. Pyreflies) sind in der Welt von Final Fantasy X und Final Fantasy X-2 ein allgegenwärtiges, vielschichtiges Phänomen und fest verwoben mit den Konzepten der Lebensenergie, Leiblosen und den Asthra. Genaugenommen stellen sie die Form dar, in der sich körperlose, spirituelle Energie manifestiert.
- When the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull and Man-At-Arms created the Mystic Wall to separate Eternia's Light and Dark hemispheres, Illumina was trapped on the dark side. Fortunately, in addition to being a great strategist and possessing formidable fighting skills (especially with melee weapons), she has the power to control light and can even blind her opponents when her other skills are not enough. Prior to being caught on the Dark Hemisphere, she assisted Dekker training the young warrior Duncan who would become Man-At-Arms.
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| - *Pink dress
*Lavender shirt with long sleeves, two tails and a pair of cyan wings on the shoulders
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| - *Latanie
*Granie na harfie
*Zarządzanie snami
*Otwieranie portali do Maginaryworld
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| - When the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull and Man-At-Arms created the Mystic Wall to separate Eternia's Light and Dark hemispheres, Illumina was trapped on the dark side. Fortunately, in addition to being a great strategist and possessing formidable fighting skills (especially with melee weapons), she has the power to control light and can even blind her opponents when her other skills are not enough. Prior to being caught on the Dark Hemisphere, she assisted Dekker training the young warrior Duncan who would become Man-At-Arms. Although a heroic force, she has been called very cold blooded. A common misconception that her female mount is a descendant of the Battle Cats of old, but in fact she is an entirely different species genetically closer to the blood-thirsty Panthor
- Illumina (ビッグ・ジ・イルミナ Biggu ji Irumina?, roughly "Big D/G/the Illumina") is a giant Reploid sub-boss from Mega Man X6. The project for Illumina's construction was suspended, but Infinity Mijinion proceeded with its construction in Mega Man X6. Illumina came under the influence of the Nightmare. When X or Zero enter the Weapons Facility, they are attacked by Illumina.
- Illumina (イルミナ Irumina?) is a character in Sonic Shuffle. She is the Goddess of Dreams, the guardian angel of Maginaryworld and the protector of the Precioustone. When Illumina lost faith in herself, she split into two separate beings: Lumina Flowlight and Void. These two would subsequently battle one another until they reunited and brought back Illumina.
- Illumina is a powerful entity who rules over the mystical Maginary World, the birthplace of all dreams. Despite her great power, however, Illumina began to lose faith in herself, which resulted in her splitting into two beings representing the different sides of her nature: the benevolent Lumina and the villainous Void. Void set out to dominate Maginaryworld, shattering the Master Precioustone in order to use the power of its fragments. Fortunately, he was thwarted with Lumina called upon Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies for help. The Precioustone was soon restored, and Illumina returned as Lumina and Void were reunited. (StH: #92, CSE)
- Illumina is a classmate of Jean Minakaze, and if Jean has his way, something more. Aaaaaww yeeeah.
- [[Bild:Illumina FFX.jpg|280px|right|thumb|Illumina während Yunas Besegnung in Kilika]] Illumina (engl. Pyreflies) sind in der Welt von Final Fantasy X und Final Fantasy X-2 ein allgegenwärtiges, vielschichtiges Phänomen und fest verwoben mit den Konzepten der Lebensenergie, Leiblosen und den Asthra. Genaugenommen stellen sie die Form dar, in der sich körperlose, spirituelle Energie manifestiert. Illumina werden nicht als lebendige Wesen dargestellt. Obwohl sie zu vielen Zwecken herangezogen werden, sei es zu guten oder zu bösen, erscheinen sie als planlos umherirrende Wesen ohne Selbstbewusstsein. Damit sind sie nichts als eine Naturerscheinung.