The nui-rama was a ugly duckling looking like a insect after being killed and revived 40012 times and levitated by farting green gases after eating 400 ton beans a day. When it hatched a energy storm appeared on karda nui and spherus magna shattered and mata nui fell asleep.
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- Nui-Rama
- Nui-Rama
- Nui-Rama
- Nui-Rama
| - The nui-rama was a ugly duckling looking like a insect after being killed and revived 40012 times and levitated by farting green gases after eating 400 ton beans a day. When it hatched a energy storm appeared on karda nui and spherus magna shattered and mata nui fell asleep.
- Nui-Rama (15px15px15px - 15px15px15px15px) to duże, przypominające insekty Rahi zamieszkujące Wszechświat Matoran.
- Nui-Ramat ovat suuria, lentäviä hyönteisiä, vaikkakin niiden koko ei ole kovin suuri muihin Raheihin verrattuna. Nui-Ramat syövät nestemäistä protodermistä, jota ne imevät pistimillään. Niiden pesät sijaitsevat Le-Metrussa. Nui-Ramoja tavattiin myös Le-Wahissa.
- Nui Rama were large, insect-like Rahi. The creatures have been seen as either orange or lime-green, and had a pair of massive claws and a stinger, which made them deadly foes.
- Nui-Rama sind große, Fliegen-ähnliche Rahi. Ihr Name bedeutet übersetzt "Große Fliege", und sie sind die natürlichen Feinde der Nui-Kopen, da beide Rahi-Arten dieselben Rahi fressen.
- Los Nui-Rama son grandes e irritables insectos voladores.
- The Nui-Rama are one of the many species to be created by the Brotherhood of Makuta using viruses and Energized Protodermis to populate the Matoran Universe. On Metru Nui there was a population of this flying Rahi. They fed of liquid protodermis, which they obtained from the Chutes. They could also obtain it from the Silver Sea, but avoided to do so due to the many undersea creatures that predated on the Nui-Rama. Nui-Rama used their stingers to penetrate in the Chute's magnetic field, and then suck the liquid protodermis. If a Nui-Rama fed off of the same chute repeteadly the Chute would colapse. This happended once happened, and Ihu, a Ko-Matoran, was killed in the accident.
- Nui-Rama are large wasp-like Rahi. They are either orange and black or light green and black in color. The Gukko are considered to be their natural enemy. On Metru Nui, they ate liquid Protodermis straight from the chute system. They were particularly attracted to the impurities in it. They use their stinger to pierce the magnetic field around the chute and then use it to drink the protodermis. If they return to a single spot too often, the field will be ruined and the chute collapses.
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| - Metru Nui, Tren Krom Halbinsel
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| - Große Fliegen mit transparenten Kanohi als Augen
| - Von den Makuta erschaffen
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| - Metru Nui, Mata Nui, Tren Krom Halbinsel
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| - Le-Metru nests, Le-Wahi nests, occassionally Ta-Wahi
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rahi status
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| - Metru Nui, Mata Nui, Półwysep Tren Krom , Spherus Magna
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| - The nui-rama was a ugly duckling looking like a insect after being killed and revived 40012 times and levitated by farting green gases after eating 400 ton beans a day. When it hatched a energy storm appeared on karda nui and spherus magna shattered and mata nui fell asleep.
- Nui-Rama (15px15px15px - 15px15px15px15px) to duże, przypominające insekty Rahi zamieszkujące Wszechświat Matoran.
- Nui-Ramat ovat suuria, lentäviä hyönteisiä, vaikkakin niiden koko ei ole kovin suuri muihin Raheihin verrattuna. Nui-Ramat syövät nestemäistä protodermistä, jota ne imevät pistimillään. Niiden pesät sijaitsevat Le-Metrussa. Nui-Ramoja tavattiin myös Le-Wahissa.
- The Nui-Rama are one of the many species to be created by the Brotherhood of Makuta using viruses and Energized Protodermis to populate the Matoran Universe. On Metru Nui there was a population of this flying Rahi. They fed of liquid protodermis, which they obtained from the Chutes. They could also obtain it from the Silver Sea, but avoided to do so due to the many undersea creatures that predated on the Nui-Rama. Nui-Rama used their stingers to penetrate in the Chute's magnetic field, and then suck the liquid protodermis. If a Nui-Rama fed off of the same chute repeteadly the Chute would colapse. This happended once happened, and Ihu, a Ko-Matoran, was killed in the accident. During the Toa's war with the Dark Hunters on Metru Nui, the Dark Hunter agents used Nui-Rama to send messages to their leader, The Shadowed One. After the Great Cataclysm, many Nui-Rama migrated to the island of Mata Nui. After arriving to the island, they were enslaved by Makuta, who used Infected Kanohi to control them. Kopaka encountered a infected Nui-Rama after walking for first time in the island. Kopaka and a Ko-Matoran, Matoro were able to escape from the flying insect, and talked with Turaga Nuju, who warned Kopaka that the Nui-Rama that had attacked them was only one of the many dangers that he would face. When Lewa was searching for a Kanohi in the Le-Wahi jungles, he was attacked by a Nui-Rama, who let him fall to the ground, where a Muaka tiger was waiting with the jaws opened. At the last moment Onua saved Lewa, though. Makuta sent more Nui-Rama to attack the Toa during a meeting, and the flying Rahi caught Tahu, and then they threw the Toa to the ground, though Onua managed to use his Pakari to both save Tahu and defeat the Nui-Rama. Later some Nui-Rama and Nui-Kopen managed to kidnapp Turaga Matau, some Le-Matoran villagers, an Onu-Matoran named Taipu and Lewa, who once in the hive he had his Miru replaced with an infected Kanohi. Takua, who had just helped the village of Onu-Koro, traveled to Le-Koro, where he was infromed of the Nui-Rama attack. He decided to help the Gukko Force in the attack to the Nui-Rama Hive, and partnered with Kongu. Takua and Kongu managed to arrive to the hive, but upon arriving there they were trapped by the Rahi. Then Onua arrived, and briefly battled with Lewa, and managed to take out his infected Kanohi. Then Lewa used his Mahiki to control a Nui-Kopen, and the matoran, Matau, and the two toa escaped the Hive. Makuta later unleashed more Nui-Rama to attack the Kini-Nui while he was fighting the Toa Mata in his underground lair. Makuta was defeated by the Toa in his lair, and he released the Nui-Rama and the other Rahi from his control. The Nui-Rama returned to the skies of Mata Nui, and continued their normal activity. Mata Nui's population of Nui-Rama was forced to migrate back to Metru Nui after the Toa Nuva unleashed the Bohrok Swarms on the island. The Nui-Rama succesfully arrived to the Matoran Universe, where they resided for some time. After Teridax was killed by a fragment of Aqua Magna, the Nui-Rama and the other Rahi will have to join the mass exodus to Spherus Magna to escape the Matoran Universe before it finally breaks down in order to survive.
- Nui Rama were large, insect-like Rahi. The creatures have been seen as either orange or lime-green, and had a pair of massive claws and a stinger, which made them deadly foes.
- Nui-Rama sind große, Fliegen-ähnliche Rahi. Ihr Name bedeutet übersetzt "Große Fliege", und sie sind die natürlichen Feinde der Nui-Kopen, da beide Rahi-Arten dieselben Rahi fressen.
- Los Nui-Rama son grandes e irritables insectos voladores.
- Nui-Rama are large wasp-like Rahi. They are either orange and black or light green and black in color. The Gukko are considered to be their natural enemy. On Metru Nui, they ate liquid Protodermis straight from the chute system. They were particularly attracted to the impurities in it. They use their stinger to pierce the magnetic field around the chute and then use it to drink the protodermis. If they return to a single spot too often, the field will be ruined and the chute collapses. The Nui-Rama followed the Matoran to Mata Nui, where they built new nests. Teridax forced them to wear Infected Masks, like the other Rahi on the island, to make them do his bidding. They made two attacks on Le-Koro, taking many Matoran, Turaga Matau, and placed an infected Kanohi on Lewa. Onua eventually came and rescued them. Upon freeing the Nui-Rama from their masks, the Nui-Rama were tamed, and the Gukko Force of Le-Koro occasionally rode them alongside their Gukko.