| - A Yaoi comic on Smack Jeeves created and illustrated by Kudaki Kitsune which launched October 2008. It takes the Disney movies of your childhood (currently only The Little Merman, although more are scheduled for later), rewrites most of the details of the plots of said films, and makes them into cute yaoi stories. No, wait! Come back! It's so much Better Than It Sounds. Excusing the now laughable cliché of taking Disney plots and revamping them with yaoi themes to please the masses of online fangirls, Kudaki Kitsune does something very rarely done with her comic: instead of gratuitous sex scenes simply for the sake of Fan Service or lackluster stories and characters that are spawned specifically for the purpose of being cute and/or sexy, she creates wonderful, sympathetic characters in a story all their own, only borrowing main themes from their original text while respecting it simultaneously. Sure, there’s light pandering here and there, and the only “yaoi” it gets is kissing and marriage with only slight mention of sex, but, otherwise, this comic is brimming with humor, sentiment, and even a sense of self-awareness that one rarely finds nowadays; not only does it borrow and pay homage to the fairy tales of our youth, but also subverts old clichés, subverts them back again, and gives the readers something refreshing and just plain fun to read. It’s definitely worth checking out, and is highly recommended as Smack Jeeves’ second most popular yaoi comic (after PikaSemeChu). Currently only has The Little Merman published, but other releases are planned after TLM’s completion. The series is also on a temporary hiatus due to college interfering with updates, although it has been made clear that the comic will follow through no matter what. This Webcomic provides examples of:
* All There in the Manual: No comic aside from The Little Merman has even been made yet, but designs have already been released for Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Snow White, The Lion King, and Peter Pan.
* Barbie Doll Anatomy
* Seme: Prince Ariel, Scuttle, Rowan “Red” Hood, Prince Charming, Prince Ferdinand, Simba, etc.
* Schedule Slip: After page 180 into The Little Merman, Kudaki Kitsune went on a hiatus due to an overload of work at college.
* Uke: Prince Eric, Sebastian, The Wolf/“Wolfie”, Cinderella/“Cinder”, Snow White, Nala, and Peter Pan.