| - Most likely Barks was inspired by Lucky Ducky's animated short film Chicken Little in 1943 for the creation of his character. The original prototype of Gastone which debuts in the history Donald Bigmouth is a friendly trafficone thatvivacchia with little cheating at the expense of others, much like a salesman, but soon Barks evolves his character, callingin the new role of duck class snooty and haughty. The proverbial luck and feature is introduced only in 1949 with the story Donald and the mysterious island. He was subsequently Don Rosa to deepen, as for all the other characters Barks, personality and breed of Gastone, giving also many positive qualities and rivalutandolo the eyes of readers. In Italy it is called, in the first translations, Bambo, and later Reginaldolittle chicks.
- Gladstone Gander is a Disney comics character.
- Gladstone Gander is a character created by Carl Barks who made his debut in the Donald Duck comic Wintertime Wager in Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #88 (first published in January 1948). He is a lazy and extremely lucky goose who never fails to upset his first cousin and arch-nemesis, Donald Duck.
- thumb|135px|Narciso Bello. Narciso Bello (también llamado Pánfilo Ganso o Glad Consuerte) es un primo de Donald medio pato y medio ganso (al igual que Donald), y es parte de la familia McPato. Siempre rivaliza con Donald por el amor de Daisy. Es un personaje holgazán e irritante, cuya suerte desmesurada le da todo lo que desea sin necesidad de esforzarse. Su filosofía de vida es dejar todo al azar y tomar ventaja de las oportunidades que aparecen.