| - Traditional Hermetic Magic often required creation of elaborate pentacles, pentagrams, magic circles, runes, etc. before a spell could be cast. These would typically be scratched into the ground, or made with special materials. This takes too long to be practical in a fight or immediate crisis, but it does look really cool. Many works get around this by having special effects do the work. As soon as the mage calls out the attack, any required circles, designs and written magical incantations appear glowing in the air. This is common for Hermetic-flavored Magical Girls.
| - Traditional Hermetic Magic often required creation of elaborate pentacles, pentagrams, magic circles, runes, etc. before a spell could be cast. These would typically be scratched into the ground, or made with special materials. This takes too long to be practical in a fight or immediate crisis, but it does look really cool. Many works get around this by having special effects do the work. As soon as the mage calls out the attack, any required circles, designs and written magical incantations appear glowing in the air. This is common for Hermetic-flavored Magical Girls. Either these designs are prepared by the mage beforehand, or whatever force the mage serves under contract does it for them. But this is mostly speculation on our part, as it's rarely, if ever, shown how it's actually done. See: Simplified Spellcasting. In recent years, almost always done in CG to keep an intricate look. Many video games using magic have it, including RPGs and Real Time Strategy games. Increasingly common in modern fantasy webcomics and in the artwork of 3rd edition d20 Dungeons and Dragons, probably inspired by computer games and anime. Glowing magic circles and mystic runes floating in the air around the spellcaster look so much cooler in a visual medium than a wizard waving a staff around. For the Sci-Fi cousins, see Tron Lines and Matrix Raining Code. See also Sphere of Power. Magic portals very frequently have Instant Runes to show how magical they are. Examples of Instant Runes include: