| - A dimorphodon is a member of the pterosaur family, a group of winged reptiles distantly related to dinosaurs.
- The Dimorphodon is a pterosaur modified by the Dinosoids that was originally meant to be featured in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. They were cut from the final game for unknown reasons but are still referenced in some strategy guides. They were replaced by the large, mechanical flying insects seen during certain phases of the Primagen boss fight.
- Dimorphodon ("two-formed teeth") is an extinct genus of medium-sized pterosaur from the Early Jurassic Period (180-170 million years ago). It was named by paleontologist Richard Owen in 1859. Dimorphodon means "two-form tooth" (Greek δι/di meaning 'two', μορφη/morphe meaning 'shape' and οδον/odon meaning tooth), referring to the fact that it had two distinct types of teeth in its jaws - which is comparatively rare among reptiles. Dimorphodon lived approximately 200 million to 180 million years ago. Dimorphodon may be descended from the earlier European pterosaur Peteinosaurus.
- Dimorphodon is an ambient animal in Carnivores, Carnivores 2, and Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter.
- thumb|400pxEl Dimorphodon pertenecía a los reptiles alados de cola larga, en el extremo de la cual tenía un trozo de piel en forma de rombo que servía para equilibrar el peso y controlar la dirección del animal. Para escalar las rocas y tirarse desde lo alto usaba sus garras afiladas. Sus patas traseras eran muy largas y fuertes, lo que hace suponer que en tierra caminaba a dos patas. Tenía un cráneo enorme, de unos 20 cm de longitud, y su dentadura resultaba muy peculiar. Ambas mandíbulas tenían unos grandes dientes delanteros, mientras que el resto de la dentadura era pequeña. En la mandíbula inferior tenía 30 dientes pequeños y afilados. Categoría:Reptiles Categoría:Reptiles voladores Categoría:Pterosaurios Categoría:Pterosaurios de cola larga Categoría:Fauna del Jurásico
- Like Rhamphorhynchus, Dimorphodon is only found in Jurassic strata. It was the first pterosaur found in England, by Mary Anning, in 1828.
- The dimorphodon are fifty small green or brown flying reptiles (pterosaurs) who help Teggs, Arx, Gipsy and Iggy control the Sauropod. Their leader is called Sprite. They can work delicate machinery with their wings and claws. The Sauropod's dimorphodon are skittish and dislike frights, but love obeyin Other dimorphodon may serve other astrosaur ships, but they have not been seen. They live on the planet of Dimorphia, but are ruled from Squawk Major.
- Dimorphodon daiˈmɔː(r)f.ə.dɑn ("Two-form Teeth") was a genus of medium-sized (wing span 1.6 m., length of skull 22 cm.) pterosaur from the Early Jurassic Period (180-170 million years ago). Today, it lives on Dinotopia, and used as messengers, conveying messages across the island. It was named by paleontologist Richard Owen in 1859. Dimorphodon means "two-form tooth" (Greek δι/di meaning 'two', μορφη/morphe meaning 'shape' and οδον/odon meaning tooth), referring to the fact that it had two distinct types of teeth in its jaws - which is comparatively rare among reptiles.