| - Categoría:PersonajesBenten (ベンテン, Benten) es un miembro del Equipo Magaki, con el objetivo de robar el kinjutsu del Clan Tsuchigumo.
- benten - a deusa da sabedoria e da saude das lendas japonesas,ela ajudara aos humanos que querem resgatar a maki de zankuro mesmo sabendo do risco de uma nova guerra acontecer pois entre os humanos esta kai a reecarnaçao do dragao rei
- Benten (弁天, Heavenly Dialect) is a unique Uchujutsu and is the most powerful of amongst its type. Said to be the Ephemerally Bounded Authority of Possibility and Impossibility (泡沫制限権限の可能と不可能, Utakataseigen Kengen no Kanō to Fukanō), it is the antipode to Benzaitennyo.
- Although a member of the Gods of Luck gang, Benten probably doesn't like having despuits with Lum, whom's Oni race the gang opposes annually. In fact, the two girls ar part of the feard trio alongside Oyuki. Benten is a good friend to earthlings, that she will appear at Lum's place even if it's not Setsubun! Although there is no knowlage that Benten will have a boyfriend, she is seen with Ryuunosuke on her fathers's issues, and when teased Ryuunosuke might love her, she gets excessively flustered.
- Benten was a woman of indescribable beauty, who used to held a gleaming biwa in her hands which she could calm any mortal's soul. Her gown seemed woven from the roiling sea. She was the only female among the Seven Fortunes, but appeared to be their spokesperson on the rare occasions when they appeared together.
- is a member of the Magaki Group, who aimed to steal the Tsuchigumo clan's kinjutsu.
- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Benten est un membre de l'équipe Magaki qui vise à voler le kinjutsu du clan Tsuchigumo.
- Benten (ベンテン, Benten) es un miembro del Equipo Magaki, con el objetivo de robar el kinjutsu del Clan Tsuchigumo.
- Benten ist ein Shinobi und ein Mitglied von Magaki-Shuu. Zusammen mit den anderen Mitgliedern des Teams stürmten sie das Versteck des Tsuchigumo-Clans auf der Suche nach dem Kin-Jutsu des Tsuchigumo-Clans. Doch als sie dort ankamen, war Hotaru Tsuchigumo bereits mit dem Jutsu geflohen. Tonbei Tsuchigumo stellte sich ihnen in den Weg, wurde jedoch leicht von dem Team besiegt. Ihr neues Ziel lautete nun Hotaru. Dafür, dass er ein Mann ist, hat Benten doch eher ein weibliches Erscheinungsbild.
- Benten (弁天, Benten?) is an alien girl of the Gods of Luck clan.
- Benten (ベンテン, Benten) è un membro del Team Magaki, il quale aveva lo scopo di rubare la tecnica proibita del Clan Tsuchigumo.
- Benten is formerly one of Oboro's priestess. She joined his cause to rid of the weaklings in Ritenkyo. After she killed Saya's parents, she regretted her actions and found herself blinded by ochlocracy. She spared the infant Saya and her husband sacrificed himself to aid their escape. Benten passed onto Saya all that she knew, including her fighting style and how to be a "good woman". Additionally, Benten also made the girl her current weapons.