| - Number 268 was an item on The List.
- Elizabeth is in her room, looking at the Collins Family Bible. She gets up and opens it, then turns to the back, to the record of births and looks at her entry, Elizabeth Collins, born February 28, 1917. She closes it and asks herself "What am I doing?" then goes to the window, where she hears the Widows calling her.
- Diana kehrt aus Asien zurück. Julian hofft, dass er und Diana nun endlich ein Paar werden. Umso heftiger trifft es ihn, dass Diana keine Zukunft für sie sieht. Stattdessen will sie ihre Beziehung zu Oliver retten. Annette muss zugeben, dass sie Ingo und Lena in Sachen Mike angelogen hat. Annette ertränkt ihren Kummer in Alkohol und trifft dabei auf den ebenfalls frustrierten Mike. Die beiden landen zusammen im Bett. Doch Annette geht es danach schlechter als je zuvor. Deniz verlangt von Roman, dass dieser öffentlich klarstellt, dass Deniz nicht schwul ist. Roman ärgert sich über Deniz's Verhalten und dreht den Spieß um: Er behauptet vor allen Eishockey-Kumpels, dass Deniz und er schon seit Wochen ein Paar sind. Nina erkennt derweil, dass sie Tim reinen Wein einschenken muss und ihm sagen m
| - Number 268 was an item on The List.
- Diana kehrt aus Asien zurück. Julian hofft, dass er und Diana nun endlich ein Paar werden. Umso heftiger trifft es ihn, dass Diana keine Zukunft für sie sieht. Stattdessen will sie ihre Beziehung zu Oliver retten. Annette muss zugeben, dass sie Ingo und Lena in Sachen Mike angelogen hat. Annette ertränkt ihren Kummer in Alkohol und trifft dabei auf den ebenfalls frustrierten Mike. Die beiden landen zusammen im Bett. Doch Annette geht es danach schlechter als je zuvor. Deniz verlangt von Roman, dass dieser öffentlich klarstellt, dass Deniz nicht schwul ist. Roman ärgert sich über Deniz's Verhalten und dreht den Spieß um: Er behauptet vor allen Eishockey-Kumpels, dass Deniz und er schon seit Wochen ein Paar sind. Nina erkennt derweil, dass sie Tim reinen Wein einschenken muss und ihm sagen muss, dass sie ihn nicht liebt. Enttäuscht nimmt Tim daraufhin Julians Angebot an und begleitet ihn auf eine Geschäftsreise nach Peking...
- Elizabeth is in her room, looking at the Collins Family Bible. She gets up and opens it, then turns to the back, to the record of births and looks at her entry, Elizabeth Collins, born February 28, 1917. She closes it and asks herself "What am I doing?" then goes to the window, where she hears the Widows calling her. Elizabeth latches the window shut, then paces until Victoria comes in, asking if she can take David to Bangor to get some new clothes. Elizabeth asks if she could put it off, but Victoria says it is so beautiful out today. Elizabeth asks about tomorrow and Victoria starts to say something, then Elizabeth bitterly remembers that she is supposed to get married tomorrow. Elizabeth says she hasn't seen much of David and would like to spend the day with him. Roger shows up asking to speak to Elizabeth. She tells Victoria she should take the day off. Victoria objects that Elizabeth will have her day quite full, planing for her wedding, but Elizabeth says she will have plenty of time. She tells Victoria that if she sees Carolyn, to tell her she wants to see her. Once Victoria leaves, Roger tells Elizabeth her lawyer called and said he had been instructed to look over Elizabeth's will, and asks her why. Elizabeth asks what is unusual about checking over her will before she marries and Roger asks if she is planning on changing it to favor her husband to be. Elizabeth says Carolyn and David are and shall remain her legal heirs. Roger is relieved, but says he still does not believe she wants to marry Jason. Elizabeth says she does not want to go into that argument again. Roger tells her it is not too late to back out, but Elizabeth says she does not want to back out, that she won't back out, and that is the last she wants to hear on the subject. Roger spies the Bible and asks why she has it. Elizabeth says she wanted to record her marriage date, but Roger reminds her nothing was ever recorded there until after the fact. After he leaves, she goes to the Bible and says "Later!" David comes into Elizabeth's bedroom, asking why he and Victoria can't go to Bangor today. He is upset they can't go to the movies. Elizabeth says he can go to Bangor if he doesn't want to spend the day with her and David changes his mind. David says they can take a walk on the beach, and he will show her a cove on the rocks no one else knows about, but she has to keep it a secret. They talk and Elizabeth tells him he means more to her than almost anybody else. David asks her if she is going somewhere, because she is talking like she is leaving. She tells him she will meet him downstairs after he gets his coat and hugs him. That evening, in the Drawing room, Elizabeth is closing a window when she hears Carolyn returning home from a date with Buzz. Elizabeth tries to tell Carolyn how much she loves her and how Carolyn has been the center of her life since she was born, but Carolyn returns every loving statement with a comment about Elizabeth's impending marriage and her life with Jason. Carolyn finally flounces to the couch and tells Elizabeth that if she wants her consent, she has it. Carolyn finally gets to Elizabeth and tries to go to bed, but Elizabeth stops her. Carolyn asks why her mother keeps talking about the past and Elizabeth says she wants Carolyn to remember how things were. Carolyn tells her mother she is acting strangely, and Carolyn says they should go to bed, as tomorrow is a big day. Elizabeth starts to walk out, but before she leaves, she turns to look at Carolyn, who feels her mother's gaze, and looks back at her. Back upstairs Elizabeth goes to the family Bible, takes a pen, and writes April 10, 1967 as her date of death. In the drawing room, Carolyn hears Victoria return from her date with Burke. Victoria apologizes, saying she was trying to be quiet, as everyone will have gone to bed, but Carolyn tells her Elizabeth has just turned in. Victoria puzzles over Elizabeth being up so late, and Carolyn tells her she is worried about her mother because she was very quiet, almost too quiet, and that she refused to talk about the wedding or Jason, as if the wedding were not going to happen. She tells Victoria she felt like she and Elizabeth were saying goodbye, and Victoria begins to worry, but tells Carolyn she is probably just nervous about the wedding. Victoria suggests they go to bed and Carolyn turns out the lights. Victoria goes to Elizabeth's bedroom and sees she is not there. When she goes to turn out the table light, she sees the family Bible, and realizes what is happening. At Widow's Hill, Elizabeth walks close to the edge of the cliffs and looks down, hearing the Widows again.