While visiting the world known as Planet X, Breastforce member Drillhorn heard rumors from a local of a lifeform known as the Dorya, a breed of insect that devoured super-robot lifeform metal. With the information passed back to Leozack, the hapless Hellbat was charged with collecting specimens of the insect; is not precisely clear, however, whether the Dorya was actually native to Planet X or if Hellbat had to go to another, unnamed planet to rustle them up.
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| - While visiting the world known as Planet X, Breastforce member Drillhorn heard rumors from a local of a lifeform known as the Dorya, a breed of insect that devoured super-robot lifeform metal. With the information passed back to Leozack, the hapless Hellbat was charged with collecting specimens of the insect; is not precisely clear, however, whether the Dorya was actually native to Planet X or if Hellbat had to go to another, unnamed planet to rustle them up.
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| - While visiting the world known as Planet X, Breastforce member Drillhorn heard rumors from a local of a lifeform known as the Dorya, a breed of insect that devoured super-robot lifeform metal. With the information passed back to Leozack, the hapless Hellbat was charged with collecting specimens of the insect; is not precisely clear, however, whether the Dorya was actually native to Planet X or if Hellbat had to go to another, unnamed planet to rustle them up.