| - As a tribesman of Fenris, Njal Stormsson was a vital and fierce warrior, flame-red of hair and forked of beard. He displayed unmatched courage in battle, wading through the blood and corpses of a rival tribe in close-quarter fighting aboard their enemy's longboats. His ferocity was such that he drew the gaze of the Space Wolves' Rune Priest Heimdall, who whisked away his battered and broken body away at the end of a terrible battle to begin his induction into the Space Wolves Chapter as a Neophyte once he was healed of his mortal injuries. Under Heimdall's tutelage, Njal learnt to harness the destructive power of nature itself. The old Rune Priest watched with pride as the young Astartes developed a formidable psychic talent that rivalled that of many Librarians within the ranks of other Space Marine Chapters. At the Battle of Goreswirl, Njal avenged the death of his mentor Heimdall, blasting apart a dread Bloodthirster Greater Daemon of Khorne with a mighty psychic attack, before summoning forth a terrible ice storm that drove the remainder of the daemons of Chaos from the field. From that day on, he has been referred to by the epithet of Stormcaller by his Battle-Brothers. This title has suited him well. In terms of raw psychic power Njal is one of the strongest human psykers in the galaxy. Njal is also a skilled warrior and master of both tactical and strategic combat, possibly surpassing even the skill of the Space Wolves' Great Wolf (Chapter Master) Logan Grimnar.