| - Roman Catholicism is the largest sect of the Christian religion, currently comprising over half of all Christians and one-sixth of the world's population. Generally, the term "Roman Catholicism" refers to the combined doctrines and practices of those following the Roman Catholic Church, meaning those of Christians in communion with the See of Rome. The History of Roman Catholicism is a long one and stems directly from the apparent founding of the Church by Saint Peter, continuing on into the present day, under Pope Benedict XVI.
- Roman Catholicism (often simply Catholicism) is a branch of Christianity founded on Earth in the 1st century, C.E. It is distinct from the other main branches of the Christian faith, Protestantism and Orthodox. The Roman Catholic Church is headquartered in Vatican City, an independent polity in Rome, European Alliance.
- The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious denomination of Christianity with over one billion members. It claims that it is both organizationally and doctrinally the original Christian Church, founded by Jesus Christ. It also claims unbroken Apostolic Succession from St. Peter and the other Apostles. The Second Vatican Council's Decree on the Church Lumen Gentium, 8,[1] declared that "the sole Church of Christ which in the Creed we profess to be one, holy, catholic and apostolic" has a concrete realization (the Latin term is "subsistit") "in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the bishops in communion with him". "Successor of Peter" refers to the Pope, currently Pope Benedict XVI.
- The Roman Catholic Church, most often called the Catholic Church, is the Christian Church in full communion with His Holiness Pope Sixtus VI, also known as the Bishop of Rome. It traces its origins to the original, undivided Christian community founded by St. Peter, with its traditions first established by the Twelve Apostles and maintained through unbroken Apostolic Succession.
- Roman Catholicism is one of the primary sects of the Christian religion. The sect claims that its leader, the Pope, is the successor by an unbroken line of divinely-inspired selection tracing back to Jesus Christ's selection of the apostle Peter to be his successor as head of the church. The administrative center of the Roman Catholic Church is located on and around the Vatican plain in Rome, which today is a nominally autonomous nation. The principal religious ritual of the Roman Catholic Church is the Mass, continaing a ritual called the Eucharist in which the priest officiating over the ritual is said to transform the host, a wafer of bread, into the Body of Christ and a quantity of wine in a chalice, into the Blood of Christ, which are then dispensed to the congregation so as to commun
| - Roman Catholicism is the largest sect of the Christian religion, currently comprising over half of all Christians and one-sixth of the world's population. Generally, the term "Roman Catholicism" refers to the combined doctrines and practices of those following the Roman Catholic Church, meaning those of Christians in communion with the See of Rome. The History of Roman Catholicism is a long one and stems directly from the apparent founding of the Church by Saint Peter, continuing on into the present day, under Pope Benedict XVI.
- Roman Catholicism is one of the primary sects of the Christian religion. The sect claims that its leader, the Pope, is the successor by an unbroken line of divinely-inspired selection tracing back to Jesus Christ's selection of the apostle Peter to be his successor as head of the church. The administrative center of the Roman Catholic Church is located on and around the Vatican plain in Rome, which today is a nominally autonomous nation. The principal religious ritual of the Roman Catholic Church is the Mass, continaing a ritual called the Eucharist in which the priest officiating over the ritual is said to transform the host, a wafer of bread, into the Body of Christ and a quantity of wine in a chalice, into the Blood of Christ, which are then dispensed to the congregation so as to commune with God. The considerable administrative apparatus of the Roman Catholic Church built up over the centuries between its founding and the events in the Baroque Cycle have resulted in the Church amassing considerable wealth, political power, and serving as a repository for substantial amounts of education and knowledge, notably in the hands of an order within the Church known as the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits. England first rejected Catholic rule under Henry VIII Tudor, who arrogated to himself several powers previously held by the Pope, particularly the appointment of bishops and the granting of divorces and annulments of marriages. This led to the creation of the Anglican Church, which eventually became the Established religion of England. Popular distrust of Catholics leads to the erosion of support for James II Stuart and makes the Glorious Revolution possible. Tension between Catholics and Protestants underlied the Thirty Years War, and serves as a pretext for the political struggles between William of Orange and Louis XIV which forms the backdrop for the political events depicted in the Baroque Cycle. The Church as an institution does not play a large, direct role in the Baroque Cycle. However, the subtext of sectarian conflict within Christianity permeates the work, particularly with the disdain given to those sectarian differences by all three primary characters who each come to abhor the wars caused by these conflicts. Louis XIV casts himself as the defender of the Catholic faith and its foremost warrior; there is little doubt, however, that he has wrapped himself in the garments of the faith for purely self-serving purposes. Father Eduoard de Gex is the only Catholic cleric with any significant role in the Baroque Cycle, and he is a figure of evil, chaos, and irrationality. The only other Christian cleric depicted in the Cycle is John Wilkins, the Anglican Bishop of Chester, who is Daniel Waterhouse's early patron. The positive and warm depiction of Wilkins, however, seems to be based on his role as a Natural Philosopher and as a man who sees beyond the religious differences between himself and his protege and takes the true measure of the young man before him.
- The Roman Catholic Church, most often called the Catholic Church, is the Christian Church in full communion with His Holiness Pope Sixtus VI, also known as the Bishop of Rome. It traces its origins to the original, undivided Christian community founded by St. Peter, with its traditions first established by the Twelve Apostles and maintained through unbroken Apostolic Succession. The Catholic Church is not only the largest Christian Church, but also the largest organized body of any world religion (at least until it was banned in Aztlan). While the Vatican City is seen as central, the Catholic Church is a worldwide organization made up of one Western or Latin Rite and several Eastern Rite-specific Churches. The Church is divided into jurisdictional areas, usually on a territorial basis. The standard territorial unit is called, in the Latin Rite, a diocese, and in the Eastern Rites, an eparchy, each of which is headed by a bishop. The Catholic Church position about the Awakening has evolved from a position against metahumanity and magic ("unholy and ungodly by their very nature") to consider metahumans capable of salvation and magic not inherently evil. This change of position has been the cause of several outright schisms, such as with the French Catholic Church and the German Catholic Church, as well as minor schisms between Rome and local dioceses and archdioceses over implementation of policy, such as in Spain. The Awakening has also resulted in the Church facing great social and political challenges, especially in former strongholds like Ireland (now Tír na nÓg) and Latin America (specifically, Aztlán) where societies and the state have taken direct and hostile action against the Church and its public practitioners. This has itself resulted in the Church taking more aggressive measures to protect the faith and the faithful in these lands through the actions of organizations like the New Jesuits and the New Templars.
- The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious denomination of Christianity with over one billion members. It claims that it is both organizationally and doctrinally the original Christian Church, founded by Jesus Christ. It also claims unbroken Apostolic Succession from St. Peter and the other Apostles. The Second Vatican Council's Decree on the Church Lumen Gentium, 8,[1] declared that "the sole Church of Christ which in the Creed we profess to be one, holy, catholic and apostolic" has a concrete realization (the Latin term is "subsistit") "in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the bishops in communion with him". "Successor of Peter" refers to the Pope, currently Pope Benedict XVI. The Roman Catholic Church is also both the largest and the oldest continuously operating institution in existence. (For history see History of the Roman Catholic Church.) It is a hierarchical organization in which ordained clergy are divided into the orders of bishops, priests and deacons. The world is divided into 2755 (at the end of 2004) bishoprics (more commonly called dioceses), each with a presiding bishop, responsible for the religious welfare of the believers in his geographical area. The principal bishopric is that of Rome, whose occupant is known as the Pope, considered to be the successor of Saint Peter, the chief of the Apostles.
- Roman Catholicism (often simply Catholicism) is a branch of Christianity founded on Earth in the 1st century, C.E. It is distinct from the other main branches of the Christian faith, Protestantism and Orthodox. The Roman Catholic Church is headquartered in Vatican City, an independent polity in Rome, European Alliance.