In some episodes of the dub, this card is mentioned by its Japanese name: Master of Dragon Soldier. In the original, this monster's attack was called "Galaxy Crusher", while in the dub, its attack is called "Dragon Saber Blast".
Attributes | Values |
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| - In some episodes of the dub, this card is mentioned by its Japanese name: Master of Dragon Soldier. In the original, this monster's attack was called "Galaxy Crusher", while in the dub, its attack is called "Dragon Saber Blast".
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cs name
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fr name
| - Chevalier Maître des Dragons
es lore
| - Debe ser Invocado por Fusión y no puede ser Invocado de Modo Especial de otra forma. Esta carta gana 500 ATK por cada monstruo de Tipo Dragón que controles, excepto esta carta.
- "Soldado del Brillo Negro" + "Dragón de Ojos Azules Definitivo"
ygo sets
| - Tournament Point Ranking 1
Tournament Point Ranking 2
el name
| - Ο Στρατιώτης Κυρίαρχος των Δράκων
Romaji Name
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hr name
| - Gospodar Zmajskih Vitezova
ja lore
| - 「カオス・ソルジャー」+「青眼の究極竜」
- このカードは融合召喚でしか特殊召喚できない。①:このカードの攻撃力は、このカード以外の自分フィールドのドラゴン族モンスターの数×500アップする。
tsc lore
| - Effect Monster
- Type
- Divine
- A huge and awesomely strong dragon that can be powered up based on the number of dragons on the player's field.
it lore
| - Deve essere Evocato tramite Fusione e non può essere Evocato Specialmente in altri modi. Questa carta guadagna 500 ATK per ogni mostro di Tipo Drago che controlli, eccetto questa carta.
- "Glorioso Soldato Nero" + "Drago Occhi Blu Finale"
pt name
| - Supremo Cavaleiro Mestre dos Dragões
| - Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card gains 500 ATK for each Dragon-Type monster you control, except this card.
- "Black Luster Soldier" + "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon"
pt lore
| - "Soldado do Lustro Negro" + "Dragão Definitivo de Olhos Azuis"
- Deve ser Invocado por Invocação-Fusão e não pode ser Invocado por Invocação-Especial de nenhuma outra forma. Este card ganha 500 de ATK para cada monstro do Tipo Dragão que você controla, exceto este card.
zh lore
| - 「混沌士兵」+「青眼究極龍」
- 此怪獸只可以融合特殊召喚。自己場上除這張卡外每有1隻龍族怪獸、此卡攻擊力上升500點。
it name
| - Cavaliere Signore dei Draghi
stat change
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tsc number
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trans name
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ko lore
| - "카오스 솔저" + "궁극의 푸른 눈의 백룡"
- 이 카드는 융합 소환으로밖에 특수 소환할 수 없다. ①: 이 카드의 공격력은, 이 카드 이외의 자신 필드의 드래곤족 몬스터의 수 × 500 올린다.
de lore
| - Muss als Fusionsbeschwörung beschworen werden und kann nicht auf andere Art als Spezialbeschwörung beschworen werden. Diese Karte erhält 500 ATK für jedes Monster vom Typ Drache, das du kontrollierst, außer dieser Karte.
- „Schwarz Glänzender Soldat“ + „Blauäugiger ultimativer Drache“
ko name
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related to archseries
| - * Black Luster Soldier
* Blue-Eyes
de name
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es name
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wc6 sets
| - Game Gift Collection
Dragon Collection
All Fusion Monsters
All at Random
fr lore
| - "Soldat du Lustre Noir" + "Dragon Ultime aux Yeux Bleus"
- Uniquement Invocable par Fusion et non Invocable Spécialement autrement. Cette carte gagne 500 ATK pour chaque monstre de Type Dragon que vous contrôlez .
tsc dc
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gx02 sets
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tr name
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effect types
| - Summoning condition, Continuous
database id
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| - * 2 Fusion Materials
* Requires only specific non-Effect Monsters as Fusion Materials
* Requires Ritual Monsters as Fusion Materials
* Requires Fusion Monsters as Fusion Materials
* Nomi
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th name
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rod lore
| - Effect Monster
- Type
- Divine
- A huge and awesomely strong dragon that can be powered up based on the number of dragons on the player's field.
gx02 name
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zh name
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| - Black Luster Soldier
- Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
alt name
| - Master of Dragon Knight
- Master of Dragon Soldier
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tsc name
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ar name
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| - "Black Luster Soldier" + "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon"
ntr name
| - Master of Dragon Soldier/Knight
wc07 name
| - Master of Dragon Soldier/Knight
wc6 name
| - Master of Dragon Soldier/Knight