The Lannister family is a powerful one, ruling from Casterly Rock. Their sigil is a lion. They came late to the cause of Robert Baratheon when he sought the throne of the Seven Kingdoms. Members of the family include:
* Cersei Lannister Baratheon
* Jaime Lannister
* Tyrion Lannister
* Tywin Lannister
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| - The Lannister family is a powerful one, ruling from Casterly Rock. Their sigil is a lion. They came late to the cause of Robert Baratheon when he sought the throne of the Seven Kingdoms. Members of the family include:
* Cersei Lannister Baratheon
* Jaime Lannister
* Tyrion Lannister
* Tywin Lannister
- Lannister washed up on the shores of Cobalt on the 2nd day of August in the year 2006, after his other pirate Custer went on a 10 month long 'retirement'. He joined the crew Cheese Louise and quickly advanced through the ranks, subscribing only 3 days after he started playing. After Lannister got on his feet he started his own crew, A Feast for Crows who became celebrated and joined the flag Dark Inferno. He soon grew bored of his captainship and disbanded his crew.
- Ο Οίκος Lannister μιά απο τις πιο πλούσιες δυναστείες της χώρας των ΕΛ, και ιδρύτρια της ιδιωτικής τράπεζας HEAR ME ROAR (Άκουσε με να βρυχούμε| ελληνιστί), Προπάτορας της ο καταγόμενος απο την Μύκονος LAN ο εξυπνάκιας, απέκτησε το παρατσούκλη αυτό γιατί ήταν ο πιο πεταχτός έφηβος της εποχής του...είχε διοργανώσει τα μεγαλύτερα όργια όλων των εποχών καθώς και είχε εξαπατήσει ολόκληρο το Ελληνικό δημόσιο και είχε πάρει όλα τα λεφτά για την πάρτη του, χωρίς βέβαια να πέσει στην αντήληψη του Γιώργου Παπανδρέου και εξού και η πρόταση Λεφτά υπάρχουν. Με αυτά τα λεφτά έφτιαξε την ιδιωτική τράπεζα HEAR ME ROAR, η οποία αυτή τη στιγμή είναι ο μεγαλύτερος κολοσσός στη Wall street. Ο τωρινός Διευθήνων σύμβουλος είναι ο Ταγουίνος Lannister...πρώην μεγαλομέτοχος της εταιρίας και δεξί χέρι του Τόμμεν Μ
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| - parrot-purple-violet
- parrot-navy-black
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| - Lannister washed up on the shores of Cobalt on the 2nd day of August in the year 2006, after his other pirate Custer went on a 10 month long 'retirement'. He joined the crew Cheese Louise and quickly advanced through the ranks, subscribing only 3 days after he started playing. After Lannister got on his feet he started his own crew, A Feast for Crows who became celebrated and joined the flag Dark Inferno. He soon grew bored of his captainship and disbanded his crew. He started wandering from crew to crew rarely staying for more than a week in any. He often rejoined the crew Redemption where his hearties Jilly and Stolid were senior officers. After Redemption's merge with Yarr Talk, Lannister left and joined the crew Total Chaos. Soon after he grew bored with Total Chaos too and joined the crew Serial Pillagers where he quickly advanced through the ranks to become a senior officer. After leaving Serial Pillagers, Lannister started his own crew, The Vanguard, a crew whose sole purpose is to PvP, where he made his old main pirate, Custer, the captain. Soon after creating the flag Project Mayhem, Custer/Lannister declared war on the flag Pirates of the Caribean, who quickly accepted the declaration. The war lasted only 8 days after PotC asked for a truce. The final ship glubbage of the war was 10 lost by PotC and 0 lost by Project Mayhem.
- Ο Οίκος Lannister μιά απο τις πιο πλούσιες δυναστείες της χώρας των ΕΛ, και ιδρύτρια της ιδιωτικής τράπεζας HEAR ME ROAR (Άκουσε με να βρυχούμε| ελληνιστί), Προπάτορας της ο καταγόμενος απο την Μύκονος LAN ο εξυπνάκιας, απέκτησε το παρατσούκλη αυτό γιατί ήταν ο πιο πεταχτός έφηβος της εποχής του...είχε διοργανώσει τα μεγαλύτερα όργια όλων των εποχών καθώς και είχε εξαπατήσει ολόκληρο το Ελληνικό δημόσιο και είχε πάρει όλα τα λεφτά για την πάρτη του, χωρίς βέβαια να πέσει στην αντήληψη του Γιώργου Παπανδρέου και εξού και η πρόταση Λεφτά υπάρχουν. Με αυτά τα λεφτά έφτιαξε την ιδιωτική τράπεζα HEAR ME ROAR, η οποία αυτή τη στιγμή είναι ο μεγαλύτερος κολοσσός στη Wall street. Ο τωρινός Διευθήνων σύμβουλος είναι ο Ταγουίνος Lannister...πρώην μεγαλομέτοχος της εταιρίας και δεξί χέρι του Τόμμεν Μπαράθηον-Παπαδόπουλου.
- The Lannister family is a powerful one, ruling from Casterly Rock. Their sigil is a lion. They came late to the cause of Robert Baratheon when he sought the throne of the Seven Kingdoms. Members of the family include:
* Cersei Lannister Baratheon
* Jaime Lannister
* Tyrion Lannister
* Tywin Lannister