| - Lettuce: base or bane? It is both, within my migraine. He lets me, they say, bounce off the walls. I pertain to trends! Oh, for the sweet flower-esque
* 20-hit combo
* adjective
* adverb
* ad
* aerodynamics
* age
* air conditioner
* air
* airplane
* alcohol
* alfalfa
* algorithm
* alpaca sandwich
* amplifier
* anchovies
* angel
* anger
* animal
* answer
* antibacterial
* antibody
* antidisestablishmentarianist
* anvil
* anything
* ape
* apple juice
* apple
* applesauce
* apples
* arcade
* archangel
* arc welder
* armpit hair
* arthritis
* article
* asparagus
* Aspergers
* attorney
* Audi
* autobiography
* automobile
* aviator
* ax murderer
* babboon butt
* baby
* bachelor
* balloon
* ballroom
* bamboo
* banana
* band
* bank robbery
* barn
* baseball bat
* bass guitar
* bathtub
* bat
* bazooka
* beach ball
* beagle
* beans
* bear
* belfry
* belt
* bestiality
* bevel
* bikini
* bimbo
* bingo
* bishop
* bistro
* blah
* blanket
* blasphemy
* blender
* blimp
* blow-up doll
* bluejay
* boardwalk
* boar
* boat
* bollocks
* bomb
* book
* bottle
* bowling ball
* brand
* bread knife
* brickbat
* brick wall
* bridge
* brisket
* broadsword
* broom
* buddy
* buffalo
* Buick
* bum
* bunny
* businessman
* button
* cabinet
* cable
* cadaver
* Cadillac
* cake
* cake
* calculator
* camera
* candlestick
* can opener
* cardboard box
* card game
* carriage
* cartilage
* cartoon
* cartridge
* castle
* caterer
* cat
* cauldron
* CD
* cellphone
* cellulite
* centrifuge
* cheeseburger with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal
* cheese
* chessboard
* cheval-de-frise
* Chevrolet
* chiffon
* chisel
* chorus
* chromosome
* Chuck Norris impersonator
* chump
* cigarette
* cinderblock
* claptrap
* classified document
* clavichord
* clavicle
* clever trick
* cliff
* clitoris
* clock
* cob
* cockgoblin
* cockroach
* cod
* codpeice
* codswallop
* comma
* communist
* computer
* conspiracy
* content
* contraband
* contradiction
* cookie cutter
* copyist
* copypasta
* corndog
* couch potato
* council of national reconstruction
* cowbell
* cow
* crab cake
* critter
* crusher
* crystal
* cubicle
* cucumber
* cuddly toy
* curry
* custard
* cutlass
* cutting board
* Daewoo
* daffodil
* daydream
* dead flounder
* death
* death plane
* deity of personal preference
* Democrat
* devaporiser
* deviant
* diamond
* dictator
* diesel engine
* diet coke
* diet mouthwash
* diet pill
* diode
* disaster
* discussion
* dishrag
* dishwasher
* DJ
* document
* dog house
* dog
* dollhouse
* dolly
* dominatrix
* domino
* dongle
* Doppelgänger
* dot
* drain cleaner
* driptray
* Dunmer
* dyslexia
* dystopia
* earlobe
* ectoplasm
* eel
* egg
* electric toothbrush
* electrified mocha chinchilla
* electron
* elephant
* elf
* encyclopedia
* engraving
* entropy
* equestrian
* escape pod
* espresso
* etch-a-sketch
* etching
* event
* Evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society
* evil secret Canadian mind-control device
* excrement
* exhaust pipe
* exit sign
* extension cord
* facepalm
* faceplant
* factoid
* factory
* fantasy
* fat
* fealty
* feces
* feng shui
* fiasco
* fib
* fiddle
* fire hydrant
* fistula
* flagella
* flan
* flap
* flatulence
* flightdeck
* fluorescent light
* foible
* Ford Pinto
* forest
* fork
* fountain
* freedom fighter
* fritter
* frying pan
* funeral
* Furby
* furnace
* furry
* galleon
* Game Boy
* gamelan
* garbage bin
* gasoline
* gas tank
* Gatsby
* Geiger counter
* gelato
* General Tso's kitten
* glass orb
* glucose
* glue
* glycerin
* Goblin Glider
* goose egg
* gork
* governor
* graffiti
* Green Lantern ring
* grue
* guide
* guillotine
* guitar
* gun
* guru
* gymnasium
* gyroscope
* hadron
* hailstone
* hairball
* hallway
* handstand
* harpsichord
* helm
* heretic
* hero
* hideout
* high-powered laser rifle
* hitman
* hobgoblin
* holster
* Holy Martian Empire
* home theater system
* homology
* homotopy
* Honda
* horse
* hose
* hostel
* hot dog
* hotel
* houseplant
* hovel
* hub cap
* Hyakugojyuuichi!!
* hybrid engine
* Hyundai
* ice skate
* icicle
* idiot
* igloo
* igneous protrusion
* imitation fake vomit
* impetus
* infinity
* insanity
* iPod
* jeans
* jellybean
* jelly
* Juffo-Wup
* juice
* jungle
* kakistocracy
* kamikaze
* katzenjammer
* keyboard
* killer whale
* Kirby
* kitten chow mein
* kitten
* kitten piccata
* kitten pot pie<
* knickknack
* Kodak
* Kremling
* kumquat
* l33t h4x0r
* lasagna
* lava
* lawnmower
* league
* leaking roof
* leash
* lemming
* lemon
* lens
* lentil soup
* leukemia
* library
* liger
* lighting
* limited edition, gold plated, autographed rabbi
* lint
* linux
* lipmusic
* liquidation
* liquid goo
* lisp
* lithium
* llama
* lobby
* lobster
* lockpick
* lollipop
* loser
* love
* lowbrow
* lubricant
* lucky bastard
* luggage
* lumber
* lunch
* mad axe-murderer
* magma
* mammary gland
* mandate
* marshmallow
* Mazda
* melanoma
* memo
* mesothelioma
* Mexican wave
* microcosm
* microscope
* microwave
* MIDI controller
* milk
* milquetoast
* minecart
* minefield
* Minolta
* Mitsubishi
* mitten
* mongoose
* monkey
* monoclonal antibody
* monorail
* monster
* mop
* mountain
* mouse
* mouth
* muffinface
* muffin
* muff
* mug
* muskrat
* mycobacterium
* neck
* needle
* neurotoxin
* neverland
* newspaper
* nexus
* ninja
* Nintendo
* nitrogen
* nob
* noseblower
* nostalgia
* nostril
* noun
* nuclear reactor
* nuke
* number
* nystagmus
* ocean
* octohedron
* octopus
* oddball
* okra
* Oldsmobile
* ooze
* operating system
* operating theater
* option
* orc
* osmosis
* osteoporosis
* ostrich egg
* ovary
* oven
* ox
* oxygen
* Pac-Man
* padlock
* paedophile
* page
* pantleg
* paperclip
* paper
* pastry
* paycheck
* peach
* peacock
* peanut
* pea soup
* peat moss
* pedophile
* pencil
* penis
* pen
* period
* person
* pervert
* petroglyph
* philanthropist
* philosopher
* pie
* pile of flaming horse feces
* pill
* pillow
* piñata
* pine cone
* pizzle
* plague
* plasma cannon
* plastic
* plate
* PlayStation
* Pokémon
* politician
* polyethylene
* Pontiac
* poodle
* pool table
* pork chop
* possibility
* potato masher
* potato
* president-for-life
* prostate
* prostitute
* pumpkin
* Pyrex
* queen
* queer
* question mark
* quetzal
* quickloader
* quote
* rabbit
* raccoon
* racket
* raid
* railing
* rain meter
* rake
* ramen noodle
* rape>
* read-only memory
* redwood
* reindeer
* Republican
* respiratory system
* ribaldry
* ricer
* Rick James
* rickroll
* riddle
* riffraff
* rifle
* ripple
* riverbank
* road
* rocket
* rock
* rollerblade
* rope
* roundhouse kick
* round house
* rubber duck
* rucksack
* sacrifice
* salad fork
* sarcoma
* sarcophagus
* sceptre
* scroll
* sea bass
* search engine
* Sega
* shank
* shark
* sheep
* showdown
* skull
* snake
* snowflake
* Soliton radar
* Sony
* soundboard
* space
* Sparta
* speaker
* spermicide
* spoon
* spork
* squibble
* squid
* stampede
* stamp
* stapler
* station wagon
* statue
* steak dinner
* steak knife
* stick
* stool sample
* street sign
* stripper
* Subaru
* suicidal lemming
* suicide bomber
* Suzuki
* sweet and sour chicken
* Swiss cheese
* Taahgaarxian
* tadpole
* tank
* Tanner Thompson
* teabag
* telephone
* tempest
* temple
* ten-foot pole
* tennis racket
* terracotta
* terrorist
* Texas toast
* thong
* thumbtack
* tire
* tit
* titty
* toaster
* toboggan
* tofu
* tomato
* tong
* tooth
* toothpick
* Toyota
* tractor
* treehouse
* treetop
* truffle
* t-shirt
* tube
* Turing machine
* turkey sandwich
* tuxedo
* tyrant
* US Navy aircraft carrier
* Utility Muffin Research Kitchen
* vector field
* verb
* vertigo
* virus
* Volkswagen
* Volvo
* vomit
* vortex
* vulva
* waffle
* wall
* waterfall
* watermelon
* Weltschmerz
* whereabouts
* whip
* Wii
* xanthochroi
* Xbox
* xenomorph
* xylophone
* yellow submarine
* YouTube Poop
* zebra
* Zelda
* zipper
* zoot suit
* Zork
* zygote I have missed. Men catch my fall and extrovertedly entertain me! I don't like to talk about it. Challenge is disastrous. Circles don't fill me. Aches, they come, from what is spoken! A... aa... one... a. An. A tomato is sweetness and pain when thrown. To combine and to succeed, it is fashionable! To fail is faliure and ergo pretence! Populations are safe and saved, leaving poor tonsillitis. It hurts me, it flowers condemnation. You are me; you... jackhammer,
* 20-hit combo
* adjective
* adverb
* ad
* aerodynamics
* age
* air conditioner
* air
* airplane
* alcohol
* alfalfa
* algorithm
* alpaca sandwich
* amplifier
* anchovies
* angel
* anger
* animal
* answer
* antibacterial
* antibody
* antidisestablishmentarianist
* anvil
* anything
* ape
* apple juice
* apple
* applesauce
* apples
* arcade
* archangel
* arc welder
* armpit hair
* arthritis
* article
* asparagus
* Aspergers
* attorney
* Audi
* autobiography
* automobile
* aviator
* ax murderer
* babboon butt
* baby
* bachelor
* balloon
* ballroom
* bamboo
* banana
* band
* bank robbery
* barn
* baseball bat
* bass guitar
* bathtub
* bat
* bazooka
* beach ball
* beagle
* beans
* bear
* belfry
* belt
* bestiality
* bevel
* bikini
* bimbo
* bingo
* bishop
* bistro
* blah
* blanket
* blasphemy
* blender
* blimp
* blow-up doll
* bluejay
* boardwalk
* boar
* boat
* bollocks
* bomb
* book
* bottle
* bowling ball
* brand
* bread knife
* brickbat
* brick wall
* bridge
* brisket
* broadsword
* broom
* buddy
* buffalo
* Buick
* bum
* bunny
* businessman
* button
* cabinet
* cable
* cadaver
* Cadillac
* cake
* cake
* calculator
* camera
* candlestick
* can opener
* cardboard box
* card game
* carriage
* cartilage
* cartoon
* cartridge
* castle
* caterer
* cat
* cauldron
* CD
* cellphone
* cellulite
* centrifuge
* cheeseburger with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal
* cheese
* chessboard
* cheval-de-frise
* Chevrolet
* chiffon
* chisel
* chorus
* chromosome
* Chuck Norris impersonator
* chump
* cigarette
* cinderblock
* claptrap
* classified document
* clavichord
* clavicle
* clever trick
* cliff
* clitoris
* clock
* cob
* cockgoblin
* cockroach
* cod
* codpeice
* codswallop
* comma
* communist
* computer
* conspiracy
* content
* contraband
* contradiction
* cookie cutter
* copyist
* copypasta
* corndog
* couch potato
* council of national reconstruction
* cowbell
* cow
* crab cake
* critter
* crusher
* crystal
* cubicle
* cucumber
* cuddly toy
* curry
* custard
* cutlass
* cutting board
* Daewoo
* daffodil
* daydream
* dead flounder
* death
* death plane
* deity of personal preference
* Democrat
* devaporiser
* deviant
* diamond
* dictator
* diesel engine
* diet coke
* diet mouthwash
* diet pill
* diode
* disaster
* discussion
* dishrag
* dishwasher
* DJ
* document
* dog house
* dog
* dollhouse
* dolly
* dominatrix
* domino
* dongle
* Doppelgänger
* dot
* drain cleaner
* driptray
* Dunmer
* dyslexia
* dystopia
* earlobe
* ectoplasm
* eel
* egg
* electric toothbrush
* electrified mocha chinchilla
* electron
* elephant
* elf
* encyclopedia
* engraving
* entropy
* equestrian
* escape pod
* espresso
* etch-a-sketch
* etching
* event
* Evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society
* evil secret Canadian mind-control device
* excrement
* exhaust pipe
* exit sign
* extension cord
* facepalm
* faceplant
* factoid
* factory
* fantasy
* fat
* fealty
* feces
* feng shui
* fiasco
* fib
* fiddle
* fire hydrant
* fistula
* flagella
* flan
* flap
* flatulence
* flightdeck
* fluorescent light
* foible
* Ford Pinto
* forest
* fork
* fountain
* freedom fighter
* fritter
* frying pan
* funeral
* Furby
* furnace
* furry
* galleon
* Game Boy
* gamelan
* garbage bin
* gasoline
* gas tank
* Gatsby
* Geiger counter
* gelato
* General Tso's kitten
* glass orb
* glucose
* glue
* glycerin
* Goblin Glider
* goose egg
* gork
* governor
* graffiti
* Green Lantern ring
* grue
* guide
* guillotine
* guitar
* gun
* guru
* gymnasium
* gyroscope
* hadron
* hailstone
* hairball
* hallway
* handstand
* harpsichord
* helm
* heretic
* hero
* hideout
* high-powered laser rifle
* hitman
* hobgoblin
* holster
* Holy Martian Empire
* home theater system
* homology
* homotopy
* Honda
* horse
* hose
* hostel
* hot dog
* hotel
* houseplant
* hovel
* hub cap
* Hyakugojyuuichi!!
* hybrid engine
* Hyundai
* ice skate
* icicle
* idiot
* igloo
* igneous protrusion
* imitation fake vomit
* impetus
* infinity
* insanity
* iPod
* jeans
* jellybean
* jelly
* Juffo-Wup
* juice
* jungle
* kakistocracy
* kamikaze
* katzenjammer
* keyboard
* killer whale
* Kirby
* kitten chow mein
* kitten
* kitten piccata
* kitten pot pie<
* knickknack
* Kodak
* Kremling
* kumquat
* l33t h4x0r
* lasagna
* lava
* lawnmower
* league
* leaking roof
* leash
* lemming
* lemon
* lens
* lentil soup
* leukemia
* library
* liger
* lighting
* limited edition, gold plated, autographed rabbi
* lint
* linux
* lipmusic
* liquidation
* liquid goo
* lisp
* lithium
* llama
* lobby
* lobster
* lockpick
* lollipop
* loser
* love
* lowbrow
* lubricant
* lucky bastard
* luggage
* lumber
* lunch
* mad axe-murderer
* magma
* mammary gland
* mandate
* marshmallow
* Mazda
* melanoma
* memo
* mesothelioma
* Mexican wave
* microcosm
* microscope
* microwave
* MIDI controller
* milk
* milquetoast
* minecart
* minefield
* Minolta
* Mitsubishi
* mitten
* mongoose
* monkey
* monoclonal antibody
* monorail
* monster
* mop
* mountain
* mouse
* mouth
* muffinface
* muffin
* muff
* mug
* muskrat
* mycobacterium
* neck
* needle
* neurotoxin
* neverland
* newspaper
* nexus
* ninja
* Nintendo
* nitrogen
* nob
* noseblower
* nostalgia
* nostril
* noun
* nuclear reactor
* nuke
* number
* nystagmus
* ocean
* octohedron
* octopus
* oddball
* okra
* Oldsmobile
* ooze
* operating system
* operating theater
* option
* orc
* osmosis
* osteoporosis
* ostrich egg
* ovary
* oven
* ox
* oxygen
* Pac-Man
* padlock
* paedophile
* page
* pantleg
* paperclip
* paper
* pastry
* paycheck
* peach
* peacock
* peanut
* pea soup
* peat moss
* pedophile
* pencil
* penis
* pen
* period
* person
* pervert
* petroglyph
* philanthropist
* philosopher
* pie
* pile of flaming horse feces
* pill
* pillow
* piñata
* pine cone
* pizzle
* plague
* plasma cannon
* plastic
* plate
* PlayStation
* Pokémon
* politician
* polyethylene
* Pontiac
* poodle
* pool table
* pork chop
* possibility
* potato masher
* potato
* president-for-life
* prostate
* prostitute
* pumpkin
* Pyrex
* queen
* queer
* question mark
* quetzal
* quickloader
* quote
* rabbit
* raccoon
* racket
* raid
* railing
* rain meter
* rake
* ramen noodle
* rape>
* read-only memory
* redwood
* reindeer
* Republican
* respiratory system
* ribaldry
* ricer
* Rick James
* rickroll
* riddle
* riffraff
* rifle
* ripple
* riverbank
* road
* rocket
* rock
* rollerblade
* rope
* roundhouse kick
* round house
* rubber duck
* rucksack
* sacrifice
* salad fork
* sarcoma
* sarcophagus
* sceptre
* scroll
* sea bass
* search engine
* Sega
* shank
* shark
* sheep
* showdown
* skull
* snake
* snowflake
* Soliton radar
* Sony
* soundboard
* space
* Sparta
* speaker
* spermicide
* spoon
* spork
* squibble
* squid
* stampede
* stamp
* stapler
* station wagon
* statue
* steak dinner
* steak knife
* stick
* stool sample
* street sign
* stripper
* Subaru
* suicidal lemming
* suicide bomber
* Suzuki
* sweet and sour chicken
* Swiss cheese
* Taahgaarxian
* tadpole
* tank
* Tanner Thompson
* teabag
* telephone
* tempest
* temple
* ten-foot pole
* tennis racket
* terracotta
* terrorist
* Texas toast
* thong
* thumbtack
* tire
* tit
* titty
* toaster
* toboggan
* tofu
* tomato
* tong
* tooth
* toothpick
* Toyota
* tractor
* treehouse
* treetop
* truffle
* t-shirt
* tube
* Turing machine
* turkey sandwich
* tuxedo
* tyrant
* US Navy aircraft carrier
* Utility Muffin Research Kitchen
* vector field
* verb
* vertigo
* virus
* Volkswagen
* Volvo
* vomit
* vortex
* vulva
* waffle
* wall
* waterfall
* watermelon
* Weltschmerz
* whereabouts
* whip
* Wii
* xanthochroi
* Xbox
* xenomorph
* xylophone
* yellow submarine
* YouTube Poop
* zebra
* Zelda
* zipper
* zoot suit
* Zork
* zygote , producer and exporter of shakiness, and to ASPLODE abandon ablate absolve absorb accentuate acidify activate adhere add admonish advocate affiliate agree ameliorate analyze anglicanise annihilate assassinate bake balkanize bamboozle baptize BASH baste behead blast bless bomb break burglarize burn burninate calcify castigate castrate clapperclaw cogitate complement construct convert cramp crankle crinkle cruise crystallize cuddle curate cure dance deceive deconstruct defenestrate dehydrate delay delete deliberate deport derail detect deter deteriorate devour discalceate disintegrate divide dry duel earn eat edify edit ejaculate employ enumerate envision erect evaporate excruciate execrate exemplify exercise exorcise explicate explode exterminate extrude fart feast feel fling fornicate frack freeze fuck fumble geld give glug golf google graphitize hack hack & slash hack, slash, & burn hear hump hurt implode incarcerate incinerate insult jam jiggle jump lather legislate liberate lick litigate loll mature masturbate meditate model mollify multiply murder mystify navigate negate neuter nuke obliterate optimize orate oscillate oscitate overthrow pander pass pasteurize pilot plagiarize problematize program prove push putrefy pwn pwnify quantify rape rebel receive recollect reduce refill regurgitate remix revolt revolve reward rinse riot ruffle ruminate sacrifice sanctify seizure seizurize sell shave shit smash sniff speak spit steal stink stir subpoena subvocalise suffocate subtract swallow swim taste tear terrorize throw toast untie urinate vitiate veto vomit vote wamble wash weazen whack widen write w00t zap is noising myself! Gelatinous absorbance makes for overall good. Solarn't, negativity positive ranking. Structure, also, is defended. Weakness... weakness is not. You are still me. How charming! Perfection, it is needed. Houses of mirrors flourish, becoming situations unknown and abnormal absorbent alarming ambiguous artificial bad mannered baffling barbarous bare belittling beloved big bloody booming boorish boring bright buffoon-like bulbous charming cheap cheery clammy clumsy colossal common complaining congruent contagious contented contrived controversial coruscating cosmic cozy crazed cryptic curative cute cut-rate dark dazzling dead defective defenestratable defensive demoralizing despicable depressed diseased dismal doubtful dubious educated eerie egregious emaciated emancipated emo enormous equivalent erect erotic erudite exotic expensive explosive fake fanatical fat fervent flaccid flammable folksy forbidden foreign foul furry gay grisly grue-like hairless hairy hateful heterosexual hideous homely homosexual hopeless huge idiotic ill-bred impressive implosive incompetent incredible ineffective inept infectious intransigent jocular joyful laughable lavish lazy lifeless lovely living loyal luminous macabre malevolent massive medieval mediocre megalomaniacal melodramatic minuscule mirthful moist morbid moribund mundane mysterious nail-biting naked natural nefarious Nobel prize-winning no-frills nonsensical nude oblivious obscene obscure offensive on edge on the ball oozing opaque overwrought pale Pastafarian peculiar petrifying pimpalicious pocket-sized pointless poopy posh pricey puce pugnacious purple putrefying puzzling pyrrhic quick quivering raging rapturous red remarkable repugnant retarded revolting rhyming rhythmic rickety rigid rotted round rude sacrificed sanguine scanty senseless sensual sexy shaky sheer shimmery shiny shitty sinister sizable slimy slippery slutty smelly smug snug spine-chilling spontaneous straight substandard sumptuous supercalifragilisticexpialidocious tacky tawdry tense throbbing Tom Cruise crazy transparent trusty ugly unbalanced uncivilized uninviting universal unnatural unpleased unrefined unreliable unsophisticated uptight vast vigilant virtual vulgar well-to-do wet white wobbly XTREME yellow yellow-bellied zany , flying in the face of humanity and logic. Solarity, solidarity. The heat, the energy. Preparation will inevitably be the antithesis of perfection. Ham, the unnecessary ingredient, will prevail. Bacon bits! Nutrition will not be necessary for perfection. Meanderingly, so positively, it will normalise and shower itself according to mystery. Confusion, an element, will not. That is the mystery of perfection. You are still in me. Registry is irrelevant. Language is but a shield, coca-cola is but child-bait. Humour, your humour is mine. Philosophy, a statement, in epigrammatical relief. I have not this shield, I am damned all the same. I purge the inquisitor for the addition of condiment; praising said child for sweetcorn. Reformation is negatively positive, as necessity has itself. "We are travelling together towards the vehicle," I said, I told him, millenium hand and shrimp. I have but the supplies henceforth. I cam a cancerous dog, offensive to all, but one with good bone. Blood is flowing to this bone, and I am all the sweatier for it. Relief is unprofession, unless on video. Child, boy, it makes no difference. My bone awaits. It aches, it is fossilise, it is philosophy, it is perfection.